Take your workout to the beach with this fun sand workout
If you're lucky enough to hit the beach this summer, getting in a workout while you're there is easier -- and more effective -- than you may think.
Working out in the sand increases resistance, forces you to use different muscles and it's just more fun than hitting the treadmill or the gym.
"Good Morning America" tapped Holly Rilinger, a Nike Master Trainer, Flywheel instructor and creator of the Lifted method, to put us through our paces with a workout in the sand.

"My favorite thing about working out in the sand is I'm at the beach," she said. "It's a great way to get outside, use your body and have to use it very differently."
"Your legs are going to be sore from pushing through the sand," Rilinger added.
This workout can be done at any time on any beach with just you and your body weight. Do the seven moves (plus a warm up) together as a circuit or each on their own.
Get outside to get your workout in this summer.
The workout
Warm-up drill:
1. Bear crawl:
"This is great for your core and it’s great to get your shoulders warmed up, and it’s exactly like it sounds. We’re going to crawl like a bear."
2. Speed skater + pause + scorpion lunge:
"We’re going to go from a speed skater where we’re moving side to side, to a single leg balance to a scorpion lunge. This requires us to balance on an unstable surface."
3. Push up + alternating kick-thru:
"We're going to do a standard push up and then, you'll see, it’s like a break-dancing move. We’re going to kick our body through and rotate, really using those abs."
4. Tuck jump + side shuffle:
"We’re going to do a tuck jump, which I think is one of the hardest body weight movements out there, and then we're going to do a lateral slide side to side."
5. Tempo squat + thruster:
"We’re going to use tempo, wich means we’re going to slow things down a little bit. We’re going to do a tempo squat into a thruster."
6. V-ups:
"The next move is called a v-up and it is all about your core."
7. Broad jump + burpee
"We’re going to use those legs and we’re going to use that sand. We’re going to do a broad jump into the world’s favorite movement, a burpee."