
Marcus Gindrow via Storyful

Flight attendant epically recreates Britney Spears' 'Toxic' music video

STOCK PHOTO/Getty Images

What to know about ISA, a new way to pay for college with investors' money

Mercury may be out of retrograde, but now it's Jupiter's turn

Courtesy Arthur Kobin

This woman earned a 5-figure pay raise and you can, too

Kaitlyn Cotter via Storyful

This golden retriever's 'cone of shame' costumes bring him internet fame

7 ways to turn your job now into a career you'll still love later

Courtesy Chris Cimino

This friendship between a mailman and a rescue dog is breaking the internet's heart

ABC News photo illustration/STOCK PHOTO/Getty Images

Women don't invest as much as men. Here's how to start with $100

Courtesy Addy Tritt

25-year-old woman buys out Payless store to donate shoes to Nebraska flooding victims

STOCK PHOTO/Getty Images

We tried buying a college admissions essay online, here's what happened