
Baltimore Ravens

Ravens coach John Harbaugh invites blind fan to read NFL draft pick in Braille

First Mercury, then Jupiter, now Pluto goes retrograde on April 24

This WWII veteran asked for 100 cards for his 100th birthday -- now, he wants 1,000

SeongJoon Cho/Bloomberg via Getty Images, FILE

Melinda Gates shares 3 things she wishes she had known about the workplace in her 20s


Amazon adds in-garage delivery to in-home, in-car options

Cathryn Hinesley

10-year-old girl born without hands wins national handwriting competition: 'It shows what perseverance and a positive attitude can do'

Jim Watson/AFP/Getty Images

How Little Miss Flint is still making a difference in her community, 5 years into water crisis

Police officer drives man to job interview after pulling him over at traffic stop

Two-and-a-half-year-old golf prodigy takes after his hero Tiger Woods

Tiana Barnwell

After being in foster care, graduating senior shares advice on perseverance: 'Someone out there thinks you're strong, beautiful, wonderful and successful'