Kendall Jenner's skin care guru shares simple rules for combating acne

Earlier this year, Kendall Jenner was blasted on social media for arriving to the 2018 Golden Globe Awards with acne.
But shortly thereafter, the 22-year-old supermodel shut down the shamers on Twitter writing, "never let that s--- stop you!"
And according to her skin care guru, Christie Kidd, Jenner works hard everyday to maintain a clear complexion.
"There are moments her skin doesn't look good, but she's still very young," Kidd, a certified physician assistant, told "Good Morning America," adding that Jenner follows a strict routine. "She's a real girl. I love that she just owns it. She says, 'Whatever, I don't love it, [but] what are you going to do?'"
Here are three simple tips you need to know for fighting acne, according to Kidd.
Follow a regimen set by your dermatologist.
For years, and as instructed, Jenner uses a clean face wash, acne pads and a renewal serum -- all of which were developed by Kidd. But, as Kidd explained, no two people are alike when it comes to skin.
"I might tell Kendall, 'I want you to wash your face three times a day' because she's a model and wears makeup all day," Kidd said. "Whereas a normal working girl like you and me, I'd say just do it morning and night."
While Jenner gets some in-office treatments, she mostly does self-care at home -- following her routine "perfectly," Kidd said.
Do your job, and don't be a slacker.
Since Jenner strongly sticks by her skin care treatments, Kidd said she often sees results.
But while we're all exhausted after a long day at the office, Kidd stresses, don't -- and she repeats -- DON'T be lazy and go to bed with your makeup on.
"You've got to get that point that you can't sleep if your face is dirty," she noted, adding that it can cause more breakouts. "And there's no cheat -- don't take a makeup wipe and think you did a good job."
Kidd went on, "Girls will come in all the time and say, 'I want to look just like Kendall.' I can give you the tools, but if you don't follow it, you're not going to get anywhere."
Don't use anything abrasive
Extreme exfoliator scrubs, wash cloths and sponges may harm the skin.
Instead, wash your face well (but gently), using clean hands to avoid aggravating your skin and or blemishes.
Clean your makeup applicators
Makeup brushes and sponges can carry bacteria, which doesn't help when your skin is prone to acne.
Kidd recommends rinsing these tools after each use.
Change your pillow case.
Not switching out your pillow case can be similar to not washing your makeup off at night.
If you're going to bed with product in your hair, you're probably sleeping in it as well -- subjecting your skin to more breakouts.
Those suffering from acne should use a clean pillow case each night, or, as Kidd recommends, sleep on "side A" tonight and "side B" tomorrow.
Acne's a bummer, but keep your confidence.
In all her beauty, even Jenner has her moments. But the young star never lets it get the best of her.
After being blasted for having acne at the Golden Globes, fans praised Jenner for rising above the negativity.
Even big sis Khloe Kardashian came to her defense.
"The best she's ever looked!" Kardashian wrote on Instagram. "And she looks epic always but this is craziness.”
Kidd said that Jenner's skin could be clear and amazing for a year and a half, but then "all hell breaks lose." Still, one little blemish won't keep her from a red carpet event or a girls' night out and niether should you.
"I'm always very proud of Kendall because it makes a lot of girls feel empowered," Kidd said.