Pilates is a favorite form of exercise among celebrities like Jennifer Aniston, Harry Styles and Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex.
According to Rakuten's retail and shopping expert Kristen Gall, Pilates has been trending in the past couple years, especially with the rise of at-home workouts.
"Pilates is a workout that I think is here to stay around for quite some time," Gall told "Good Morning America."
To help us shop for the best Pilates reformer, a special piece of equipment used in Pilates workouts, we turned to Frame Fitness co-founder Melissa Bentivoglio.
Below, she shares information and tips for purchasing a Pilates reformer.
Talk to your doctor before embarking on a new exercise routine. To avoid injury, people should train under the supervision of an instructor if they aren't experienced with the proper form for reformer Pilates.
What is the benefit of using a reformer?
A Pilates reformer allows you to perform specific, individualized movements and work specialized muscles that are not as targeted without the reformer. The springs allow you to work both the small and large muscles, strengthening the body as a whole. The machine's springs and levers allow for resistance, focusing on concentric and eccentric contractions to create long and lean muscles.
What should people look for when buying a reformer?
A Pilates reformer is an investment so, I recommend people look for a reformer that's made of high-quality materials that are made to last longer. Some people can also be sensitive to certain types of straps, so when purchasing a reformer, it’s important to keep in mind the width of the straps and what materials they're made with to ensure they don't irritate you while in use. Lastly, the size of the reformer is important when bringing it into your home space. Frame was created to act as a reformer that was less of an eyesore.
Why do you recommend an at home reformer?
At-home reformers offer convenience and flexibility within your day. Being an entrepreneur, wife and mom, my schedule changes every day, and sometimes things come up at the very last minute.
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