Stunning rainbow cloud caught on video: What to know about the cloud iridescence meteorological phenomenon
Andre Nassif
ByGood Morning America
February 01, 2018, 3:04 PM
— -- Stunning video captured a rainbow in the clouds over Ribeirao Claro, Brazil, in a meteorological phenomenon known as cloud iridescence.
Iridescence like this happens when the clouds are very thin and are made of similar-sized water droplets.

Andre Nassif

Andre Nassif
What you’re seeing, essentially, is part of a corona -- when a rainbow-like halo engulfs the sun or the moon -- and the bands and colors change as the cloud evolves.

Andre Nassif
Iridescence is most often seen close to the sun.
It's usually spotted when part of a cloud is forming because that's when all of the water droplets have a similar history and similar size.
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