'Strawberry Moon' Lights Up Sky in Rare Lunar Event
Patrick Pleul/EPA
ByGood Morning America
June 21, 2016, 1:59 PM
— -- Summer arrived in style with a rare strawberry moon that illuminated the sky Monday night.
The moon was low for much of the night and appeared to have an amber hue in some places due to atmospheric conditions. The strawberry name comes from the Algonquin Indians and refers to the relatively short season for harvesting the fruit, according to the Farmer's Almanac.
A full moon, of course, isn't a rare event. This occurrence is special, however, because it fell on the same day as the summer solstice. The last time this happened was in June of 1967, according to EarthSky.
The next time the summer solstice and a full moon are expected to fall on the same date will be June 21, 2062.
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