As he continued speaking, two men joined him on stage.

\"The American idea my ancestors fought for during the Revolutionary War, is just as exciting and revolutionary today as it was 250 years ago. I say to Americans who love our country, young and old, be a radical for freedom. Be a radical for liberty,\" he said before standing, with assistance. \"And be a radical for our republic, for which I stand. One nation, under God, with liberty and justice for all.\"

9:42 p.m. Honoring women's suffrage movement, trio of prominent women speak

After a video on the women's suffrage movement, a trio of prominent women spoke to the convention.

White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany delivered deeply personal remarks about her choice to undergo a preventative mastectomy in 2018 and the president's support both shortly after the procedure and later while working at White House, while balancing motherhood.

\"During one of my most difficult times, I expected to have the support of my family, but I had more support than I knew. As I came out of anesthesia, one of the first calls I received was from Ivanka Trump. Days later, as I recovered, my phone rang. It was President Trump, calling to check on me. I was blown away. Here was the leader of the free world caring about me,\" she said.

She also echoed some of Trump's language about community safety and squeezed in what appeared to be a reference to the DNC Pledge of Allegiance controversy.

\"When I look into my baby's eyes, I see a new life, a miracle for which I have a solemn responsibility to protect.That means protecting America's future -- a future President Trump will fight for where our neighborhoods are protected, where life is sacred, where God is cherished -- not taken out of our schools, removed from our pledge, and erased from our history. I want my daughter to grow up in President Donald Trump's America.\"

Next, second lady Karen Pence highlighted the work of the armed services, referencing the service of her son and son-in-law, members of the Marines and Navy, respectively, and the difficulty many veterans encounter with post-traumatic stress disorder.

Referencing the 19th Amendment's centennial, she also put out a blanket call for Americans to vote.

\"One hundred years ago women secured the right to vote, so let's vote, America. Let's honor our heroes.\"

Afterward, Kellyanne Conway, promoted Trump's efforts to elevate women within the administration and argued that \"empowerment\" comes neither from social media slogans or \"corporate handbooks.\"

\"This has been a century worth celebrating, but also a reminder that our democracy is young and fragile. A woman in a leadership role still can seem novel. Not so for President Trump. For decades, he has elevated women to senior positions in business and in government. He confides in and consults us, respects our opinions, and insists that we are on equal footing with the men. President Trump helped me shatter a barrier in the world of politics by empowering me to manage his campaign to its successful conclusion.\"

\"For many of us, \"women's empowerment\" is not a slogan. It comes not from strangers on social media or sanitized language in a corporate handbook. It comes from the everyday heroes who nurture us, who shape us, and who believe in us.\"

-- ABC News' Adam Kelsey

9:37 p.m. Kellyanne Conway on the work she's done with Trump

Counselor to the president Kellyanne Conway, who recently announced that she would be leaving her role at the White House, focused her speech on the work she's done with the president.

\"A woman in a leadership role can still seem novel -- not so, for President Trump,\" she said. \"For decades, he has elevated women to senior positions in business and in government. He confides in and consults us, respects our opinions, and insists that we are on equal footing with the men. President Trump helped me shatter a barrier in the world of politics by empowering me to manage his campaign to its successful conclusion.With the help of millions of Americans, our team defied the critics, the naysayers, the conventional wisdom and we won. For many of us, women's empowerment is not a slogan.\"

She continued, \"I have seen firsthand many times the president comforting and encouraging a child who has lost a parent, a parent who has lost a child, a worker who lost his job, an adolescent who lost her way to drugs. 'Don't lose hope,' he has told them, assuring them that they are not alone, and that they matter. There always will be people who have far more than us. Our responsibility is to focus on those who have far less than us. President Trump has done precisely that, in taking unprecedented action to combat this nation's drug crisis.\"

9:28 p.m. Second lady Karen Pence on every day heroes

Second lady Karen Pence opened her remarks highlighting the adoption of the 19th Amendment, guaranteeing the right of women to vote.

\"The women's suffrage movement was the gateway that led to women having the opportunities to achieve monumental milestones and accomplish significant achievements in both civic and governmental roles. This evening, we look at heroes in our land. As Second Lady of the United States for the past three and a half years, I have had the honor of meeting many heroes across this great country. The Pences are a military family,\" she said.Our son Michael serves in the United States Marines. And our son-in-law Henry serves in the U.S. Navy. And one of my key initiatives is to elevate and encourage military spouses. These men and women like our daughter Charlotte and our daughter-in-law Sarah are the home front heroes. I have been privileged to hear so many stories of selfless support, volunteer spirit and great contributions to the armed forces and our communities.\"

She also described some military spouses who benefitted from programs that allowed them to find employment and start businesses and then how therapy helped veterans.

\"In these difficult times, we've all seen so many examples of every day Americans reaching out a hand to those in need. Those who, in humility, have considered others more important than themselves. We've seen health care workers, teachers, first responders, mental health providers, law enforcement officers, grocery and delivery workers and farmers,\" she said. \"And so many others. Heroes, all. 100 years ago women secured the right to vote, so let's vote, America. Let's honor our heroes. Let's re-elect President Trump and Vice President Pence for four more years.\"

9:15 p.m. Mother talks about how school choice helped her son

Tara Myers shared how school choice helped her son, Samuel, who has Down syndrome:

\"Unlike the doctor who told me to end Samuel's life before it began, President Trump did not dismiss my son,\" she said.

\"Tonight I would like to extend my thanks to President Trump and his administration for their work toward making every student's dream of a meaningful education a reality,\" she continued. \"And for fighting to ensure every child in America has an equal seat at the table of education freedom and an equal opportunity in life. Thank you.\"

9:09 p.m. Retired general offers defense of Trump's foreign policy

Ret. Lt. Gen. Keith Kellogg offered a defense of Trump's \"America First\" foreign policy.

He said he has \"witnessed every major foreign policy and national security decision\" by the president and \"I saw only one agenda and one guiding question when tough calls had to be made: Is this decision right for America?\"

9:04 p.m. Sen. Marsha Blackburn claims 'leftists' want to 'cancel' law enforcement, armed services heroes

Sen. Marsha Blackburn claimed that \"leftists\" want to \"cancel\" the \"heroes of our law enforcement and armed services.\"

\"I'm here to tell you these heroes can't be cancelled,\" she said Wednesday night.

9 p.m. Rep. Dan Crenshaw on American greatness, strength and values

Rep. Dan Crenshaw, R-Texas, a veteran of the War in Afghanistan, opened his remarks at the RNC to describe a teammate who laid down cover fire against Taliban insurgents so that Crenshaw could walk to a medevac helicopter -- blinded and bloodied -- and survive. His teammate did not.

\"But he didn't. Dave Orson was killed two months later. He died a hero to this great country,\" Crenshaw said. \"Here's the truth about America: we are a country of heroes. I believe that. So should you. We are a people with a common set of ideals, conceived in liberty. People that have sacrificed, time and time again, for the freedom and freedom of others -- that's something that no country ever, anywhere can claim.\"

America's heroes are not limited to the battlefield, he said.

\"Every single day we see them, if you just know where to look. It's the nurse who volunteers for back-to-back shifts caring for COVID patients because she feels that's her duty. It's the parent who will relearn algebra because there's no way they are letting their kids fall behind while schools are closed. And it's the cop that gets spit on one day and will save a child's life the next. America is the country where the young military wife of two young children answers the unexpected knock at the door, looks the man in uniform in the eye and even as her whole world comes crashing down, she stands up straight, she holds back tears and takes care of her family because she must,\" said Crenshaw.

\"This is what heroism looks like, it's who we are, a nation of heroes. And we need you now more than ever,\" he continued. \"We need to remind ourselves what heroism really is. Heroism is self-sacrifice. It's not moralizing and lecturing over others when they disagree. Heroism is grace, not perpetual outrage. Heroism is rebuilding our communities, not destroying them.\"

8:49 p.m. South Dakota governor lauds Trump on 4 key issues

South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem contrasted the president and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden.

\"I'm here tonight because I believe America is an exceptional nation, founded on three principles: equality, freedom, and opportunity. But today, our founding principles are under attack. This year the choice for Americans is between a man who values these ideals, and all that can be built because of them, and a man who isn't guided by these ideals and coincidentally has built nothing,\" she said.

\"It took 244 years to build this great nation, flaws and all. But we stand to lose it in a tiny fraction of that time, if we continue down the path taken by the Democrats and their radical supporters. From Seattle and Portland to Washington and New York, Democrat-run cities across this country are being overrun by violent mobs,\" she continued. \"The Republican party's commitment to individual rights and self government is as necessary today as it was in 1860, when we won our first presidential election. Our party respects individuals based on who they are. We don't divide people based on their belief or their roots. We don't shun people who think for themselves. We respect everyone, equally, under the constitution, and we treat them as Martin Luther King Jr. wished, according to the content of their character, not the color of their skin.\"

She also lauded the president's leadership on what she referred to as four key issues.

\"In just four years, President Trump has lifted people of all races and backgrounds out of poverty. He shrunk government. He put money back into the pockets of hard-working, ordinary Americans. He has advanced religious liberty, he protected the second amendment. You can look back 50 years, you won't find anyone that has surpassed President Trump's success on these four issues alone,\" she said. \"History chooses its heroes for the time in which they live. At our founding, Madison was one of the chosen. When the nation's very existence was challenged it was Lincoln's turn. Thanks to these men, America is a land of hope. Their examples have been repeated in countless ways by simple Americans following their conscience. But there is another American hero to be recognized. \"And that is the common American. This is who president Trump is fighting for. He's fighting for you.\"

8:31 p.m. Rachel Scott: Stark contrast between Trump, Biden in response to Wisconsin shooting

President Trump, so far, has remained silent about the shooting of Jacob Blake in Wisconsin on Sunday and instead is \"leaning into his law and order message,\" ABC News White House Correspondent Rachel Scott reports.

\"And that does serve as a stark contrast to what his rival, Joe Biden, is saying,\" she added.

Trump on Wednesday sent a misleading tweet claiming that he \"will be sending federal law enforcement and the National Guard\" to Kenosha, Wisconsin \"to restore LAW and ORDER!\"

Trump has made \"law and order\" a central theme of the ongoing Republican National Convention and his overall reelection campaign.

He said in his tweets that Wisconsin's Democratic Gov. Tony Evers has \"agreed to accept federal assistance\" but it was not immediately clear what, if any, federal assistance had in fact been accepted.

The president's authority to send in federal resources is limited without the direct invitation of the state government and decisions related to calling up the National Guard are limited to state governments.

Evers did announce Wednesday he has authorized 500 members of the Wisconsin National Guard to support local law enforcement.

The decision came after three people were shot and two killed in Kenosha overnight Tuesday into Wednesday.

Read more from ABC News' Elizabeth Thomas and Jordyn Phelps:

8:22 p.m. RNC praise for Trump's COVID-19 response at odds with months of missteps: ANALYSIS

Scattered throughout the first night of the Republican National Convention were rave reviews of President Donald Trump's response to the coronavirus pandemic: touting treatments, shutting down travel from China and rebounding the American economy.

But all the spin on the president's handling of the virus is in sharp contrast with reality.

Read more:

-- ABC News' Justin Gomez and Will Steakin

8 p.m. Trump to join Pence at Fort McHenry for acceptance speech

The president will be joining the vice president at Fort McHenry when he gives his acceptance speech later Wednesday night.

Invited guests include Medal of Honor recipients, frontline workers, military veterans, firefighters, police officers and members of Soldiers Strong, a charitable organization that provides suits that allow paralyzed veterans to stand.

7:56 p.m. Biden dramatically outspends Trump on TV ads during Republican convention week

As more than 70 speakers and thousands of supporters get together this week to officially name President Donald Trump the Republican nominee and boost him for the upcoming November election, the Trump campaign is being dramatically outspent by the Biden campaign in the rivals' ever-growing television advertising wars.

The move by the Trump campaign to go conservative with its ad spending during the convention week is a stark turn for a campaign that previously promised to unleash a \"Death Star\"-level onslaught on its Democratic opponent leading up to Election Day.

From Tuesday through next Monday, the Trump campaign has spent just under $1.5 million on television ads -- mostly on national cable -- compared to more than $17 million that the Biden campaign has placed for the week, according to ad-buy data from ad analysis firm CMGA/Kantar media. More national cable buy from Trump is expected this week, but not likely to surpass Biden's placements, according to CMAG.

As it did during last week's Democratic convention, the Trump campaign has instead invested in digital advertising during the RNC, taking over YouTube's front page banner and flooding Facebook and Google with pro-Trump messaging.

It's unclear how much the two campaigns' total digital spending is going to be by the end of the week, but the Trump campaign in general has been leading the Biden campaign on the digital front.

Read more:

-- ABC News' Will Steakin and Soo Rin Kim

7:44 p.m. Jonathan Karl: Line between Trump campaign, Trump White House 'blurring beyond recognition'

ABC News Chief White House Correspondent Jonathan Karl previews the third night of the RNC with a look back at the second night that featured first lady Melania Trump's keynote speech at the White House and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's remarks from Jerusalem.

The norms-busting political event has transformed the White House into a backdrop for the president's campaign, raising ethical questions as he steamrolls over precedent.

\"The line between the Trump campaign and the Trump White House is blurring beyond recognition, as the stage is now set for the president to give his acceptance speech here on the South Lawn,\" Karl said Wednesday on ABC News Live Prime.

He also looked beyond the convention bubble at sports teams postponing games Wednesday over the shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha, Wisconsin, earlier this week. The NBA announced Wednesday it chose to postpone all three games scheduled for the day after the Milwaukee Bucks refused to play their Game 5 against the Orlando Magic and other teams appeared likely to follow suit. ESPN was also reporting that the WNBA and several MLB teams were also postponing scheduled games Wednesday.

\"What's interesting, Linsey, is that Pence -- like the president -- has often criticized professional athletes who have kneeled to protest racial injustice. And on this day, a day where when all of these NBA games are being canceled in the wake of the police shooting, in Wisconsin, I am told that he is actually not planning to repeat that criticism of the kneeling athletes,\" he told ABC News' Linsey Davis.

7:25 p.m. ABC News' 2020 interactive election map

Who will win in November? See how the Electoral College could play out with ABC News' 2020 interactive election map:

7:14 p.m. Republican National Convention should be about America, not Donald Trump: GOP strategist Frank Luntz

The Republican National Convention should focus more on the story of America and less on the story of President Donald Trump, veteran GOP strategist and pollster Frank Luntz said on ABC News' \"Powerhouse Politics\" podcast Tuesday.

\"Donald Trump's single best line in the 2016 convention is when he said, 'I will be your voice.' Now, in 2020, everything is about his voice...his victimhood, his grievances, how he's been mistreated,\" Luntz told ABC News Chief White House Correspondent Jonathan Karl and Political Director Rick Klein.

Luntz said that part of the president's success in 2016 boiled down to the fact that Americans felt they were being heard by the then-candidate.

\"I believe he has lost some of that now. It's been too much about him and not enough about them. And that's what I'm listening for every night: Is this a speech about America, or a speech about Donald Trump? If it's about America he once again can recapture exactly what he needs,\" he said.

More from Luntz on ABC News' \"Powerhouse Politics\" podcast:

-- ABC News' Meg Cunningham

7 p.m. Wednesday night's full speaker lineup

The Trump campaign released its speakers list for the second night of the convention. Below is the order they're expected to appear:

7 p.m. Overview of speakers

The evening's speakers include Tennessee Sen. Marsha Blackburn, South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem, Texas Rep. Dan Crenshaw and Madison Cawthorn, a 25-year-old political newcomer who won his Republican primary runoff in the North Carolina congressional seat vacated by Trump's chief of staff Mark Meadows -- without having the initial endorsement of the White House.

Counselor to the president Kellyanne Conway is still slated to speak following her surprise announcement Sunday night that she's departing from the White House at the end of the month, citing a need to focus on her family.

President Donald Trump is also expected to make some sort of appearance.

Those scheduled to speak on Wednesday night include:

ABC News' Kendall Karson contributed to this report.

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