Would You Have Plastic Surgery to Improve Your Chances for a Job?
Nov. 12, 2010 — -- A story on "Good Morning America" today featured women who believed they need cosmetic surgery to keep pace in the workplace or enhance their careers.
"GMA" workplace contributor Tory Johnson, who appeared on the show to talk about the trend, refrained from criticizing an individual's decision to have cosmetic procedures. But expecting prospective employees to have plastic surgery sends the wrong message, she said.
The procedures can be costly, she pointed out, and generally are not covered by insurance and not readily available to everyone.
For someone looking for a job, such procedures are not the best use of money, she added.
She gave the following tips for how to improve your career right now.
Here are Johnson's tips, in her own words:
While older workers are not more likely to lose their jobs, when they are laid off, it takes them longer than their younger colleagues to be rehired. There are many possible reasons for this, including age bias, which no doubt exists in our workforce and across our youth-obsessed culture.
Plenty of plastic surgeons and other professionals tout a variety of cosmetic procedures designed to give older workers the edge in today's competitive job market. That's an unsettling trend because going under the knife isn't the solution to getting hired. In some cases, it's a confidence boost, which is a good thing because feeling and looking your best is what's most likely going to lead to success.
If a nip, tuck or injection is what you think would make you feel best, that's a personal choice. Even though none of us can control our age, we can control our confidence, which is king when searching for a job.
A 20-something who lacks confidence will perform just as poorly in the job search process as a 50-something who isn't self-assured. Fortunately, there are plenty of other ways to boost your self-esteem.