Man's Seeing Eye Dog Has Eye Troubles of His Own
— -- Ronald Henry's guide dog Kehotay has been by his side for the last eight years, but now it's the golden retriever who needs a helping hand.
Kehotay helps Henry get around because Henry lost his sight and hearing several years ago. But now the 10-year-old golden retriever is having eye troubles of his own.
"I've been worried sick about him," Henry told ABC's Nebraska affiliate KETV. "He's my team, my partner."

The dog arrived at veterinarian Dr. Mike Hord's office with a cloudy right eye and corneal ulcers in December. But after the ulcers healed four weeks later, the pressure in the eye had more than tripled, which may be a sign of a bigger problem called pigmentary uveitis, which is common among golden retrievers, Hord said.
Now, Henry and Kehotay are headed to a specialist to make sure the condition isn't more serious, and that Kehotay can keep his right eye.
"They have definitely grown into quite the pair," Hord said, adding that he's been treating Kehotay for the last seven years. "All you have to do is see them together and you can tell that."