For Kim — taking in the sights of Singapore, with both its colonial and modern elements — the visit is the farthest the 34-year old has ever been from home as leader of North Korea. He has been to China at least twice and South Korea once.

8:17 a.m. EDT / 8:17 p.m. Singapore: Trump and Kim set to meet at 9 a.m. Tuesday in Singapore

The White House released more details on timing of the summit between Trump and Kim.

The two leaders are expected to participate in an \"initial greeting\" and one-on-one meeting Tuesday morning at 9 a.m. in Singapore or 9 p.m. EDT Monday evening, according to the statement. This first meeting will be followed by an expanded bilateral meeting and working lunch.

The U.S. delegation, according to the White House, will include: Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, chief of staff John Kelly, and national security adviser John Bolton. The working lunch will add press secretary Sarah Sanders, Ambassador Sung Kim, and the National Security Council's senior director for Asia, Matt Pottinger.

Before returning to the United States, Trump is expected to hold a news conference, without Kim, Tuesday evening in Singapore.

7:09 a.m. EDT / 7:09 p.m. Singapore: Former White House official explains 'Trump's moment'

A former national security aide to President Trump said he thinks the president believes this is his \"moment.\"

When asked by ABC News Chief Anchor George Stephanopoulos about Trump's regarding this moment as his, Tom Bossert, an ABC News contributor and former White House adviser on homeland security and counterterrorism, said, \"I think [Trump] does, but I also think it's been heaped upon him so at this point he deserves credit for taking this on for the world because it's no longer a U.S. and regional issue.\"

\"If he doesn't solve it, his fear is there's no other way out,\" Bossert added.

The former Trump adviser also suggested that despite the history between the two countries, the U.S. president's upcoming meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un comes at a point that \"lands to [Trump's] strengths.\"

\"In a lot of ways, it really, it fits into his thinking because he can't tiptoe into it. He can't tiptoe through it,\" Bossert said. \"We've seen that process fail before and so it really lands to his strengths. He has to do it quickly; he has to do it in a brash fashion and he's looking for a strategic decision. So in a lot of ways it's kind of understandable he thinks he'll figure this out in the first few minutes.\"

5:45 a.m. EDT / 5:45 p.m. Singapore: Pompeo briefs reporters

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo spoke to reporters Monday evening in Singapore and took a few questions.

State Department spokesperson Heather Nauert shared a photo of Pompeo during the briefing with reporters, hours before the president is expected to meet face to face with Kim.

Pompeo called the summit \"truly a mission of peace\" and reaffirmed Trump's commitment to seeking \"diplomacy with North Korea\" and the elimination of North Korea's nuclear weapons stockpile.

\"A complete and verifiable and irreversible denuclearization of the Korean peninsula is the only outcome that the United States will accept,\" Pompeo said. \"Sanctions will remain until North Korea completely and verifiably eliminates its weapons of mass destruction programs.\"

The secretary struck an optimistic tone during the press conference, telling reporters, \"These discussions that will take place tomorrow between Chairman Kim and President Trump will set the framework for the hard work that will follow, and we’ll see how far we get – but I am very optimistic that we will have a successful outcome from tomorrow’s meeting between these two leaders.\"

As the historic summit inches closer, he said the president is \"going into this meeting with confidence, a positive attitude and eagerness for real progress.\"

5:21 a.m. EDT / 5:21 p.m. Singapore: Trump spoke to Moon

Trump is getting set to meet with Kim Jong Un Tuesday, but he found time Monday to speak with South Korean President Moon Jae-in, ABC News' Joohee Cho reports.

Moon and Trump spoke on the phone about Tuesday's summit, which will have a major effect on South Korea though it will not be in attendance. Moon is expected to brief South Korean media on the phone call this morning.

Kim twice met with Moon at the Demilitarized Zone in historic summits of their own over the previous months.

3:51 a.m. EDT / 3:51 p.m. Singapore: More pictures from inside the closed-press event

White House director of social media Dan Scavino shared pictures from the event with U.S. Embassy staff that President Donald Trump attended this afternoon.

The event was held at the Shangri-La Hotel rather than the embassy itself.

In the pictures Scavino shared, Trump is seen greeting the gathered crowd. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is also pictured talking to attendees.

3:31 a.m. EDT / 3:31 p.m. Singapore: A glimpse of Kim

State news media in North Korea are starting their coverage today with pictures of the country's leader Kim Jong Un arriving in Singapore Sunday, but residents are also getting some other pictures of their leader in other ways.

An Associated Press photo shows a picture of Kim’s shaking hands with Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsieng Loong Monday.

The picture was displayed on a large screen outside of the main station in Pyongyang, North Korea, this afternoon.

Kim wasn't the only one to meet with the prime minister today. Trump had a ne-on-one meeting with the prime minister before expanding into a bilateral meeting and working lunch with more members of their teams.

3:00 a.m. EDT / 3:00 p.m. Singapore: An inside look

President Donald Trump had a visit with the staff of the U.S. Embassy in Singapore on his public schedule, but it was closed to the press.

The first glimpse of the event, which took place at the Shangri-La Hotel, came via Secretary of State Mike Pompeo instead, as he tweeted a picture.

\"Thank you @potus for your support of @StateDept @usmc @USNavy today in #Singapore Everyone from @RedWhiteBlueDot enjoyed meeting you!\" he wrote, tagging the Embassy's Twitter handle as well as the Marine Corps, Navy and State Department.

A State Department official confirmed that Pompeo introduced Trump, who then spoke briefly to the gathered crowd.

2:32 a.m. EDT / 2:35 p.m. Singapore: The latest from Pompeo

The White House shared a statement from Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on the eve of the historic summit with North Korea.

ABC News' Conor Finnegan reports from Singapore that Pompeo said that Trump is \"well prepared,\" and their \"position remains clear and unchanged.\"

\"The President and the entire U.S. team are looking forward to tomorrow’s summit. We have had substantive and detailed meetings to date, including this morning with the North Koreans,\" Pompeo said in the statement.

He also thanked the local hosts and residents for their \"gracious hospitality in helping to organize the summit.\"

Heather Nauert, the acting undersecretary for public diplomacy and public affairs and spokeswoman for the State Department, also tweeted out a picture of Pompeo speaking to the staff of the U.S. Embassy in Singapore.

2:14 a.m. EDT / 2:14 p.m. Singapore: New details about the big meeting

A White House official confirmed that President Donald Trump's first meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un will be held one-on-one.

ABC News' Jordyn Phelps reports that while we now know it will be a small meeting between the two leaders, the expected length of the meeting hasn't been released.

The official did not rule out the possibility that additional activities could be added to tomorrow 's schedule, beyond the two planned meetings with Kim, Phelps reports.

Asked about a North Korean state media report that Trump and Kim were set to talk denuclearization and peace on the Korean peninsula, the official said the report is a hopeful indication.

\"I think we should take some optimism from that reporting,\" the official said. \"Given the history of the way KCNA has reported, I think that is a sign for optimism.\"

Asked whether the president would consider an eventual trip to Pyongyang, another senior White House official declined to get ahead of any potential next steps but did not explicitly rule it out, Phelps reports.

1:54 a.m. EDT / 1:54 p.m. Singapore: Celebrating early

There was a celebration in Singapore today, but it had little to do with the North Korea negotiations.

Instead, it was a surprise birthday celebration for President Donald Trump, three days ahead of his actual birthday.

The foreign minister of Singapore tweeted out a picture of the cake presented to Trump at the luncheon today in Singapore, which is 12 hours ahead of Washington and Eastern Daylight Time.

\"Celebrating birthday, a bit early,\" Vivian Balakrishnan posted, along with a picture of the cake in front of Trump.

Trump was seated between Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and chief of staff John Kelly.

1:25 a.m. EDT / 1:25 p.m. Singapore: Details from Trump's first formal meeting

President Donald Trump brought a host of his top aides to the meeting with the Singapore Prime Minister today.

ABC News' Jordyn Phelps reports that the delegation at the expanded bilateral meeting included chief of staff John Kelly, National Security Advisor John Bolton, press secretary Sarah Sanders, senior policy advisor Stephen Miller and others.

1:07 a.m. EDT / 1:07 p.m. Singapore: The first handshake

In a week that will be filled with many significant moments, the handshake that President Trump shared with Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong marks the first of the North Korea summit.

Pictures of the pair were shared today, as they met for an one-on-one meeting before expanding the group and meeting with a larger group over a working lunch.

Trump thanked the Prime Minister, saying \"it's a real honor to be with you.\"

\"This was a choice that we made very consciously,\" Trump said of the meeting, going on to call the prime minister \"my friend.\"

Trump then went on to tease his upcoming meeting with North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un, which is scheduled to be held in Singapore on Tuesday.

\"We’ve got a very interesting meeting in particular tomorrow. I think things could work out very nicely. We appreciate your hospitality and professionalism and friendship,\" he said.

12:53 a.m. EDT / 12:53 p.m. Singapore: Detailing the deal making

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo tweeted out another picture from a meeting in Singapore today, calling the discussion \"substantive and detailed.\"

12:30 a.m. EDT / 12:30 p.m. Singapore: The world watches

North Korean newspaper Rodong Sinmun released it's Monday cover ahead of time online, showing multiple pictures of leader Kim Jong Un arriving on Sunday.

The photos show Kim walking down a red carpet after descending from the Air China flight that brought him to the historic summit.

The text of the front page report details how \"wide and profound opinions will be exchanged focusing on establishing a new DPRK-US relationship to meet the changing demands of the era.\"

11:54 p.m. EDT / 11:54 a.m. Singapore: Ready for the meeting

President Donald Trump arrived at the site of his first meeting with the Prime Minister of Singapore.

According to the traveling pool of reporters following the president, the presidential motorcade arrived at the Istana, a sprawling Palladian mansion located on the grounds of a former nutmeg plantation.

The pool reporter said that there was a small crowd of bystanders outside the palace gates, but other than that, the motorcade only passed a few bystanders on the extremely clean pavements while it made its way to the palace.

11:55 p.m. EDT / 11:55 a.m. Singapore: Trump makes moves

Trump is headed to his first formal meeting in Singapore, according to a report from the traveling media pool.

Trump left the Shangri-la Hotel at 11:45 a.m. local time, though he was not spotted entering the vehicle.

Some members of his team that were spotted by the pool reporter include White House press secretary Sarah Sanders and senior policy advisor Stephen Miller, among others.

They were headed for a scheduled one-on-one meeting that Trump will have with the Prime Minister of Singapore.

The president and his team, as well as the throngs of reporters and other political players in Singapore for the summit, are operating in 88 degrees Fahrenheit with 71 percent humidity, meaning that the so-called real-feel temperature is closer to 100 degrees.

11:30 p.m. EDT / 11:30 a.m. Singapore: Talking about outcomes before the start

The meeting with Kim Jong Un will be a landmark one, and has predictably prompted much talk about the potential verdicts.

Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina told ABC News Chief Anchor George Stephanopoulos on \"This Week\" Sunday morning that there are ultimately three possible outcomes to President Trump's negotiations with North Korea's Kim Jong Un.

\"Peace, where we have a win-win solution; military force where they -- we devastate the North Korean regime and stop their program by force; or to capitulate like we've done in the past,\" Graham said.

ABC News' Molly Nagle writes about Sen. Graham's other comments on \"This Week\" here.

10:51 p.m. EDT / 10:51 a.m. Singapore: Trump back to talking about trade

With the exception of one tweet where he described the \"excitement in the air\" in Singapore ahead of the summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, President Donald Trump has continued to talk about trade issues.

The debate over the fate of tariffs stemmed from meetings in Canada during the G-7 summit.

In his most recent tweet, Trump wrote: \"Sorry, we cannot let our friends, or enemies, take advantage of us on Trade anymore. We must put the American worker first!\"

10:48 p.m. EDT / 10:48 a.m. Singapore: More pictures from the State Department

Two other photos from inside a meeting with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo have been released by the State Department.

ABC News' Conor Finnegan notes that Pompeo is pictured meeting with Heather Nauert, the acting undersecretary for public diplomacy and public affairs and spokeswoman for the State Department.

They're seated alongside Ambassador Sung Kim, the South Korean-born American diplomat who is the U.S. Ambassador to the Philippines.

Secretary Pompeo also tweeted out another photo from his account, this time showing Ambassador Kim entering a meeting today, trailed by Randall Schriver, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Asian and Pacific Security Affairs.

10:30 p.m. EDT / 10:30 a.m. Singapore: The day ahead

President Donald Trump arrived in Singapore on Sunday evening local time, which is 12 hours ahead of Washington.

Now, on Monday in Singapore, he's slated to have his first meetings as part of the summit.

According to the publicly released schedule from the White House, a meeting with the Prime Minister of Singapore will be the highest-profile item on the docket.

He's going to head to the Instana Palace and have a one-on-one meeting with Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong. After that, the group will expand to a bilateral meeting with a working lunch.

After that, he's going to have a meet and greet at the U.S. Embassy in Singapore.

Stay tuned for information as the day unfolds.

10:06 p.m. EDT / 10:06 a.m. Singapore: Sectary Pompeo is prepping

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo posted a tweet giving an inside glimpse into his preparations for the high-stakes summit with North Korean leaders in the coming days.

ABC News' Conor Finnegan noted how the photo shows Pompeo meeting Monday morning with U.S. Ambassador to the Philippines Sung Kim, the former special representative for North Korea Policy and lead negotiator to the six-party talks. Ambassador Kim has led the U.S. team at the demilitarized zone working on a joint communique with North Korea.

\"Early pre-brief with my @StateDept team. Amb Kim meets with #DPRK today. We remain committed to the complete, verifiable, irreversible denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula,\" Pompeo tweeted early Monday in Singapore.

Pompeo has a “working group” meeting this morning with North Koreans at the Ritz Carlton, Finnegan notes.

9:51 p.m. EDT / 9:51 a.m. Singapore: Trump tweets about Singapore, eventually

More than 15 minutes after posting a series of tweets about the tariff battles that brewed at the G-7 summit in Canada, President Donald Trump tweeted about that again.

In what appeared to be the third post connected to his earlier tweets, he wrote: \"....Germany pays 1% (slowly) of GDP towards NATO, while we pay 4% of a MUCH larger GDP. Does anybody believe that makes sense? We protect Europe (which is good) at great financial loss, and then get unfairly clobbered on Trade. Change is coming!\"

Two minutes after posting that, the president appeared to turn his attention to the summit that he's currently attending: one where he will have a landmark meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

\"Great to be in Singapore, excitement in the air!\" he wrote.

9:31 p.m. EDT / 9:31 a.m. Singapore: Trump tweets

President Donald Trump is now in Singapore but he's still throwing punches over the G-7 Summit that he left in Canada.

ABC News' Jordyn Phelps, who is currently in Singapore, notes how Trump's latest tweet focuses on the ongoing tensions with Canada and their Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

\"Fair Trade is now to be called Fool Trade if it is not Reciprocal. According to a Canada release, they make almost 100 Billion Dollars in Trade with U.S. (guess they were bragging and got caught!). Minimum is 17B. Tax Dairy from us at 270%. Then Justin acts hurt when called out!\" Trump tweeted.

He followed that with two more tweets on the topic: \"Why should I, as President of the United States, allow countries to continue to make Massive Trade Surpluses, as they have for decades, while our Farmers, Workers & Taxpayers have such a big and unfair price to pay? Not fair to the PEOPLE of America! $800 Billion Trade Deficit.......And add to that the fact that the U.S. pays close to the entire cost of NATO-protecting many of these same countries that rip us off on Trade (they pay only a fraction of the cost-and laugh!). The European Union had a $151 Billion Surplus-should pay much more for Military!

These were his first tweet in more than 24 hours.

8:50 p.m. EDT / 8:50 a.m. Singapore: Breaking down the tense talks ahead

The war of words that Trump has waged with Kim in the past isn't the only one at stake, as the U.S. and North Korea are technically still at war with one another.

The meeting between the two leaders, which will take place on Tuesday morning in Singapore (which means it will happen Monday night in the U.S. since Singapore is 12 hours ahead of EDT), will be a breakthrough moment.

Questions swirl about the definition of success for the summit, the possible derailing factors, and the possible implications of whatever conclusions are reached.

ABC News' Conor Finnegan breaks down these questions and more, here.

8:32 p.m. EDT / 8:32 a.m. Singapore: Summit starts after a different testy meeting with world leaders

Trump landed in Singapore after taking off not from Washington but from Quebec, Canada, where he had been participating in the G-7 conference and left with a parting shot at a longtime ally.

The G-7 conference ended with Trump publicly criticizing Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau over actions Trump perceived to be \"dishonest and weak.\"

In spite of the tensions caused over tariffs, which you can read about here, Trump remained optimistic about the upcoming summit with Kim Jong Un.

“I really feel confident. I feel that Kim Jong Un wants to do something great for his people and he has that opportunity and he won’t have that opportunity again,” Trump said at a news briefing before leaving Quebec.

“I think within the first minute I’ll know” if North Korea is serious about a deal, said the president, who then touted his dealmaking abilities. “Just my touch, my feel. That’s what I do.”

8:12 p.m. EDT / 8:12 a.m. Singapore: Taking a look at the different arrivals

The optics of arrivals were on full display in Singapore on Sunday.

Kim was the first of the two headlining world leaders to arrive, landing in Singapore just before 3:00 p.m. local time (which is 12 hours ahead of Washington and EDT).

Kim landed at Singapore Changi International Airport and was greeted by Singapore's Minister of Foreign Affairs Vivian Balakrishnan.

Balakrishnan shared official photos of a smiling Kim deplaning from the Air China jet and shaking hands. Kim's entourage flew to Singapore on three jets: the first carried vehicles and supplies; the second, an Air China Boeing 747 used for high-level officials, carried Kim; and a third, Kim's personal jet, carried his sister Kim Yo Jong.

Read more about Kim's arrival here, from ABC News' Mark Osborne and Joohee Cho.

Roughly five hours later, at 8:21 p.m. local time, Trump made his grand entrance, walking off of Air Force One alone while wearing a dark suit and a bright blue tie.

He too was greeted by Singaporean Foreign Minister Balakrishnan.

Asked by reporters how he was feeling, Trump said, \"very good\" before getting into his presidential limousine and departing the airport for the Shangri-La Hotel, where he and his entourage will stay.

Read more about Trump's arrival and the events leading up to it here, from ABC News' Morgan Winsor and Bill Hutchinson.

7: 15 p.m. EDT / 7: 15 a.m. Singapore: Kicking off the live blog

It's Monday morning now in Singapore – where it's 12 hours ahead of Washington/East Coast time. And in a little more than 24 hours, President Donald Trump is slated to sit down with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un for a high-stakes meeting between leaders of two nations with a history of tension and threats over Pyongyang’s nuclear weapons program.

That meeting is scheduled for 9 a.m. Tuesday in Singapore, which will be Monday night for the U.S. We haven't been told much about the first face-to-face meeting between a sitting U.S. president and a North Korean leader but may get more as the summit gets closer.

ABC's Jordyn Phelps reports from Singapore:

The White House has yet to put out an official schedule of the president's meetings with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, but two meetings are expected.

Following Trump and Kim's choreographed first handshake, there is expected to be an initial meeting of a very small group of people. The meeting could even be as intimate as a direct one-on-one between Trump and Kim, with only their translators in attendance. At most, Secretary of State of Pompeo will accompany President Trump in this first encounter.

There will then be a second expanded bilateral meeting at which the fuller U.S. and North Korean delegations are expected to be present.

Both Trump and Kim arrived earlier Sunday and are staying in hotels less than half a mile apart.

The White House says that on the flight to Singapore the president spent time meeting with his staff, reading materials and preparing for his meeting with Kim. Joining him are Pompeo, National Security Advisor John Bolton and chief of staff John Kelly and National Security Advisor John Bolton. White House press secretary Sarah Sanders is on the trip as well and we can expect to hear from her at some point.

Kim, meanwhile, arrived in Singapore with his younger sister, Kim Yo Jong, and Kim Yong Chol, the senior adviser who visited Trump at the White to hand-deliver a letter from Kim a little more than a week ago when the summit was still in doubt about Trump abruptly canceled it.

WATCH LIVE MONDAY: Live streaming coverage of the North Korea Summit Monday starts at 7 p.m. ET on or on the ABC News app available on the Apple App Store, Google Play Store, Apple TV App Store, Amazon Fire TV and Roku Channel Store.

Check back here for live updates on the historic U.S.-North Korea summit in Singapore.

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