Dogs live large at Amazon's Seattle headquarters
Dogs whose owners work at Amazon don’t have it so “ruff.”
Four-legged pets are welcome at Amazon, the e-commerce giant headquartered in Seattle.

As many as 6,000 dogs “work” alongside their owners at the company’s headquarters, the company says.
The tradition started early on in the company’s founding when a pair of married Amazon employees brought their Welsh corgi, Rufus, to work with them, according to Amazon.

The dog didn’t just nap on the job, but was a “productive part of the team,” even clicking the computer mouse to launch the early pages of, the company explains.

Today at the company’s headquarters, reception desks are stocked with dog treats, dog-friendly water fountains abound and one building has a “doggie deck” with a fake fire hydrant.

The most popular dog breeds on campus are currently golden retrievers, Labrador retrievers and Labradoodles, an Amazon spokeswoman told ABC News.
The most popular names for dogs at Amazon are Lucy, Bella and Charlie, the spokeswoman noted.

Amazon employees also run an appropriately-named Instagram handle, @dogsofamazon.
For the rest of us, national “Take Your Dog to Work Day” will take place this year on Friday, June 22.