This yearbook photo 'mom fail' will make you laugh out loud

A Texas mom's self-proclaimed yearbook photo "mom fail" is giving thousands on the internet something to smile about.
Brittany Kinley, 33, was so excited to order her 5-year-old son Mason's first set of kindergarten photos. While filling out the order form online, a section popped up where you could have your child's name engraved at the bottom of the photo.
Kinley just wanted a plain photo of her son with no name engraving but didn't see an option to skip that portion of the form.
"The website wouldn't let me bypass it so I just typed in, 'I don't want this' …apparently in all caps," Kinley laughed.
Kinley later received her son's prints she had ordered in the mail. She went to give her in-laws, who were over at her house, a copy of the photo when they all noticed a strange message in the bottom corner.
Printed just beneath Mason's photo were the words "I DON'T WANT THIS" followed by "Kindergarten 20-21."
"At first I was upset because those were his first school photos," Kinley said, "But the more we looked at them the more we couldn't stop laughing."
Kinley posted the photo to a mom Facebook group that she is a part of and they all told her the same thing, "You need to post this, it will go viral!"
Kinley posted the photo to her Facebook with the caption, "I'm sure everyone needs a good laugh these days so thanks to my latest mom're welcome in advance haha. Mason got his kindergarten pictures and I didn't want his name on the bottom so I typed in 'I don't want this' and they freaking printed now I have like 30 pictures of him with this on the bottom. #idowantthis #if2020wasaschoolphoto #sorryMase"
The post has gotten thousands of comments and Kinley is glad that her "mom fail" can make other people laugh.

"Mason will ask me if people are still laughing at his picture," Kinley said. "He's proud you can tell."
Kinley did order another set without her special message but she won't be getting rid of the other ones quite so fast.
"We plan to keep them and probably hang them up," Kinley said. "It's our family's memory of 2020 now."