A toddler's emotional reaction to his dad calling him his "best friend" is melting hearts online.
Vincent Spencer shared a throwback video on TikTok earlier this month, featuring his son Micah, then 3 years old, sitting in a car seat as Lewis Capaldi's song "Someone You Loved" plays in the background.
Micah, who appears moved by the song, becomes emotional after Spencer tells him, "You're the best. Best son ever, you know that? My favorite. My best friend. You hear it?"

As the words sink in, Micah can't help but tear up, before he raises his hand to wipe his tears away, smiling widely.
The TikTok video has since garnered over 4 million views.
Spencer told "Good Morning America" he was inspired to share the "cute, heartwarming" video of his son, who is now 5, after the digital memory popped up again on his phone.

"That song that was playing in the back is a song by Lewis Capaldi. But for some reason, the very first time he heard it, he teared up, and he was looking at me and telling me, 'Dad, I love you.' And so that song just always has struck a certain chord with him," Spencer explained.
The father of one -- a real estate agent in San Antonio, Texas -- said he has heard from many people since he first shared the video on March 6, with strangers telling him how moved they are and how the video has even helped some with their past trauma.
"They felt like, you know what I was saying to my son, that their fathers were speaking to them," said Spencer.

"Just seeing how the world's kind of reacting to it is ... kind of cool. It might be for a bigger purpose," he added.
The 36-year-old dad said he hopes the video can help others, especially fellow fathers, see a different side of masculinity and what it means to raise a young boy.
"A lot of times, fathers ... feel like we need to be super tough on our kids, whether it's, 'Don't cry. Get up. Be a big boy.' This, that and other," said Spencer. "I feel like there's a purpose for a balance there."
"With Micah being so loving and emotional, I don't want to take that from him but just give him a balance and let him know it's OK to express yourself -- you can cry. It's OK for men to cry. It's OK to have emotions. It's OK to go through things," he continued. "You can still instill masculinity and be in tune with your emotions, so I just think it was good to showcase that."