Genius activities to keep toddlers busy with things you already have around the house
What can you do with a toddler when they claim that they’re bored?
Apparently a million things, says Susie Allison, the creator of Busy Toddler, an online website that shares different types of activities with parents who struggle to find things to do with their kids who easily suffer from boredom.
"I think there’s this big misunderstanding that activities for kids need to be expensive and elaborate and that’s just not the case," Allison told "Good Morning America."

Allison started Busy Toddler in 2015 as an Instagram account when she had a newborn and a child who was barely 2 years old. She was struggling to find activities to keep her toddler busy during already packed days.
When she turned to the internet for help, she found only activities that either required a lot of work or a lot of items to prepare for each activity.
So Allison created Busy Toddler with a handful of activities that were fun and simple to help keep her kids busy for hours. And not only are her activities fun, they work!
"I want to show parents that you can use these activities as a tool," she said. Allison encourages parents to use her Instagram as a resource for when they don’t know what to do with their own kids.
Over the past four years, Allison has amassed over half a million followers on her Instagram with easy projects like having kids paint on pumpkins to keep them occupied for hours and activities as simple as sorting a deck of cards to help them develop organizational skills.
"They don’t need fancy, they just need engaging, fun, play and we can do that so cheaply using the things we have in our house," said Allison. "We don’t need to go rushing out and buy a bunch of things. We have the tools."

Here are some of Susie Allison’s tips using household items to keep toddlers busy:
1. Use household items to help toddlers learn simple skills
According to Allison, there are so many things lying around at home that make excellent toys. Some kitchen items like cups and pitchers make great toys to play with because it helps kids learn how to do something like pour.
2. Keep them busy with cleaning
It might seem crazy, but letting kids clean things is a perfect activity for toddlers. Filling up a storage container with water and having them clean their toys will keep them occupied for a huge chunk of time. Simply set their "play area" up with a few other items and they’re good to go.
3. Hypnotize them
No, we’re not talking about hypnotizing them with a swinging watch, but put your kids into a trance by setting up a sensory bin. Simply fill a bin full of rice and throw some measuring cups in there, and it will stimulate your kids’ senses while keeping them entertained.