Kristen Bell is sparking a debate after revealing on "The Kelly Clarkson Show" that she lets her children order nonalcoholic beers when dining out.
The "Frozen 2" star added that there's also a reason behind her kids' unusual choice.
"My kids have ordered nonalcoholic beers at restaurants before, which sounds insane if you don't know because context is important, we've learned that over the last few years," Bell told host Kelly Clarkson on Monday's episode.

"My husband and I -- when we walked the babies at night in our neighborhood, when my daughter was really little -- he is a recovering addict but he likes nonalcoholic beers so he'd pop one open, he'd have her on his chest and we'd walk and look at the sunset, so as a baby, she was like, pawing at it, and sometimes, she would suck on the rim of it," the actor explained. "So I think it feels, to her, like something special, something daddy's, something family."
"So we've been at restaurants where she said, 'Do you have any nonalcoholic beer?' and I'm like, 'Maybe we just keep that for home,'" Bell continued.
Social media users weighed in about Bell's revelation, with some sharing their own experiences and others pointed out some nonalcoholic beers may not be completely alcohol-free.
"I bought my nephew his own shot glass because he loved to do shots with me and his parents and his was always water, they just want to feel included," wrote one commenter on YouTube.
"My kids drink 'kids beer' apple cider. They will ask for kids beer. We always explain. Or grandmas beer is wine so they get the stemless wine glass with grape juice. Cause grandma uses a stem less glass," another shared on Instagram.
Bell and her husband, actor and podcast host Dax Shepard, are parents of two daughters, Lincoln, 10, and Delta, 8. Shepard has been open about his sobriety journey, notably discussing in 2020 how he relapsed after 16 years of being sober.
The "Armchair Expert" host also said he doesn't shy away from talking to his daughters about his experience and fielding questions they have about it.
Bell said despite others potentially questioning their parenting, she isn't likely to change her kids' ordering habits anytime soon.
"But then I'm also sort of like, 'You can judge me if you want, I'm not doing anything wrong, like that's your problem,'" she said.