Taylor Swift says her mother Andrea's cancer has returned

Taylor Swift revealed her mother Andrea's cancer has returned in an essay about 30 things she learned before turning 30 years old.
Andrea Swift, 61, had been diagnosed with the disease in 2015, and in an essay for Elle magazine earlier this week, the global superstar shared the recent heartbreaking news with readers.
In the sectioned titled, "I’ve had to learn how to handle serious illness in my family," Swift reveals the news in a candid way.
"Both of my parents have had cancer, and my mom is now fighting her battle with it again," she writes.
She added about handling the situation, "It's taught me that there are real problems and then there's everything else. My mom's cancer is a real problem. I used to be so anxious about daily ups and downs. I give all of my worry, stress, and prayers to real problems now."
It's taught me that there are real problems and then there's everything else. My mom's cancer is a real problem.
Additional details of the disease were not disclosed by the singer.
In 2015, Swift revealed her mother's cancer news on Tumblr.
"I'm writing to you with an update I wish I wasn't giving you, but it's important and I'm used to sharing important events in my life with you ... This is something my family and I thought you should know about now," she explained. "For Christmas this year, I asked my mom that one of her gifts to me be her going to the doctor to get screened for any health issues, just to ease some worries of mine. She agreed, and went in to get checked."
"The results came in, and I'm saddened to tell you that my mom has been diagnosed with cancer," she continued.
The "Shake It Off" singer and her family will keep the details of the diagnosis private, but Swift admitted her mother wanted all Swift's fans to know.
In the Elle essay, Swift also touched upon other things like body positivity and aging. She shared her feelings about body image and how far she's come in her journey to accepting her body.
"I learned to stop hating every ounce of fat on my body," she wrote. "I worked hard to retrain my brain that a little extra weight means curves, shinier hair, and more energy."
Swift, who won a sexual assault lawsuit against former radio host David Mueller in 2017, also shared her opinions on the important subject.
"It's my opinion that in cases of sexual assault, I believe the victim," she wrote.
"Coming forward is an agonizing thing to go through," she continued. "I know because my sexual assault trial was a demoralizing, awful experience."