Tan France of 'Queer Eye' accuses TSA of racial profiling

British television personality and fashion designer Tan France, who is of Pakistani descent, accused the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) of racially profiling him for being "brown."
The star of the breakout Netflix hit "Queer Eye," said on Twitter Wednesday that he had "been put through extra security checks" three times this week, "and was just told by a TSA agent it’s because my name is on a list."

He continued: "WTF? I’m brown but that does NOT mean I’m a damn security risk!!!"
The TSA told ABC News in a statement that it cannot comment on security designations for "specific individuals" but that all passengers are "thoroughly screened" at airport checkpoints.
"All airline passengers, regardless of race, gender, or religion, are thoroughly screened at airport screening checkpoints. TSA cannot comment on the security designation for specific individuals, and there are a number of reasons a passenger can be selected for additional screening, including by random designation," the statement said.
"Any traveler who believes he or she has been unfairly or incorrectly delayed or denied boarding can work through the DHS Traveler Redress Inquiry Program to resolve the issue," the statement added.