Khloe Kardashian Talks Reclusive Brother Rob, How She's Helping

— -- Rob Kardashian has been out of the spotlight for some time now, but his sister Khloe is trying to help him to "live life" and "be around people" again, she says.
In an interview with People magazine, the reality star said her little brother, 28, "is such a great guy. He's charming, charismatic, everything. That's what's so infuriating. I'm like, 'Where is your will to live life? Let's be around people.’"
Rob has been out of the public eye for almost a year and a half now. Indeed, he lives with Khloe, 31, who says she has "been working on my patience" in helping him deal with weight issues and more.
"But I have my moments and I do snap. I've offered to get a chef. I'm like, 'What's your excuse?' But it's not just that. I can't win life for Rob. I have to wait until [he's] ready to do it for himself," she added.
Kardashian says she understands where Rob's struggles come from. He has famously struggled on "Keeping Up With the Kardashians" with finding his own business, as his successful sisters have, and Khloe says a lot of his guidance issues stem from his father’s death from cancer in 2003 when Rob was just a teen.
"Rob doesn't have a father figure in his life. When Bruce [now Caitlyn Jenner] was around, he was great, but he was going through his own things that none of us understood at the time. Lamar [Odom] was [Rob's father figure]. Once Lamar left – and it's not Lamar's fault at all – I think Rob didn't know where to go. He was like, 'I don't have guidance anymore,'" she added. "It's sad, because he's only wasting his life more and more."