'Bachelor in Paradise' recap: Krystal Nielson and Chris Randone reflect on their wedding -- and drama!

No one understands "Bachelor in Paradise" better than former cast member Krystal Nielson, who met her now-husband, Chris Randone, during production of the show last summer. Their nuptials will be televised on a future episode of "Bachelor in Paradise" this year. Every Wednesday, Nielson will recap "Bachelor in Paradise" for "Good Morning America," weighing in on her favorite couples and all the jaw-dropping drama.
Her latest entry is below.
What a week! Paradise was filled with drama and love as we finally got to see our wedding air! With love being the key highlight of celebration this week, my husband Christopher will be joining us on a special his and her recap of everything that went down in Paradise this week...
So let’s dive into some of the most memorable moments this week on "Bachelor in Paradise."
Tayshia tells JPJ to date other women
“I think John cares for me very deeply but I don’t know if I could see him as my husband” - Tayshia
Hers: We’re at the halfway point of Paradise where Tayshia is asking herself is she here for a summer fling or looking for the real thing. She sits down with JPJ and tells him he “absolutely” should go on dates with other women this week, which reveals that she isn’t fully invested in this relationship. Tayshia gives this permission because she has her eyes on another, newly available option: Derek.
His: Whenever a woman expresses you should date other women, she’s simply not that into you. There have been cute moments with Tayshia and John Paul Jones but it seems more of a goofy friendship rather than a deep romantic connection that has substance that Tayshia is craving.
Hers: JPJ feels hurt and confused because unlike Tayshia, he is fully invested in this relationship. Lucky for him, the men have the roses this week and that means new single women are headed our way!
Haley and Tahzjuan come in this week … and pull JPJ into a lovebird triangle
“If you got flip flops watch out because I'm stepping on every single toe here. I don’t care about anyone but myself” -Tahzjuan
Hers: JPJ was the flavor of the week for the new arrivals of Paradise! JPJ tries to navigate his feelings for Tayshia while going on dates with both Tahzjuan and Haley. Tahzjuan’s strong personality comes across as very territorial and to be honest … a little abrasive. The most uncomfortable moment this week was when John and Haley came back from their date and Tahzjuan asks them if they kissed. Hello, girl. It’s a date. Of course they kissed! I do like strong personalities but Tahzjuan comes across as a bit of a bully towards Haley with her demeaning remarks.
“I’m so glad you’re here Haley. Just kidding, I was like.. can I spit in her wine?” - Tahzjuan
His: The love bird triangle might go down as the weirdest love triangle in "Paradise" history. Tahzjuan calling another woman a pigeon was distasteful to see. Tahzjuan lacked emotional intelligence here with having so much jealousy towards Haley. I commend Haley for not losing it and keeping cool. John Paul Jones clearly had a better connection with Haley and I feel if he were more upfront with Tahzjuan after his date with Haley on how he felt, we wouldn’t have been sucked into the weirdest love triangle of all time.
“I’m definitely a fighter so we’re gonna try and fight for a rose tonight. Which means we’re gonna let the seagull fly and let pigeons do what pigeons do.” - Tahzjuan
Hesr: Ultimately JPJ gives his rose to Haley but decides that he is only here for Tayshia and will do whatever it takes to win her back.
Derek tries to mend his broken heart
“I’m questioning whether I should be here because I’m really struggling with the idea that … I don’t know how to take the next step.” - Derek
Hers: Last week we saw Demi leave Derek broken-hearted as she committed to developing her relationship with Kristian. Derek is still in a daze over what happened and is doubting why he is even in Paradise. Tayshia, whom he admits he is “very crazily attracted to,” urges him to not “take away from [his] experience and what could happen.” I feel that Derek is the full package that Tayshia is looking for: a compassionate man who listens and isn’t afraid to be vulnerable.
His: We’ve seen the pain Derek has endured with the Demi situation. Honestly, I’m surprised Derek is still in Paradise given what took place with Demi and Kristian. But Derek leaving Paradise empty-handed at this point would be devastating. Emotionally drained, Derek seems to have a breath of fresh air in Tayshia, who in my opinion, might be the best possible fit for Derek. Derek and Tayshia seem to be on the same page of want they want in life and both possess exceptional emotional intelligence.
Hers: Derek ends up giving Tayshia his rose at the ceremony to solidify that he is invested in exploring this relationship. There are a few surprised looks around the room, but no one is more shocked and upset than JPJ who, unfortunately, begins his downward spiral on the show.
Dean breaks up with Caelynn … on her birthday
“It’s still my birthday ... Don’t do this” - Caelynn
Hers: My heart FEELS for Caelynn right now. After throwing her a birthday surprise and giving her his rose, Dean pulls Caelynn to then tell her that he is leaving Paradise because he can’t commit to their relationship.
His: This was a tough one to see. For one, this couple could’ve been the strongest by end of Paradise had this not crumbled. Dean has shown great maturity during this second tenure in Paradise and Caelynn has brought some great qualities out of Dean. But Dean getting nervous about opening up causes this to end abruptly. As a man, I understand where he’s coming from. Going down to Paradise to enjoy yourself and have a good time not thinking you’d come close to finding a girl that creates a soft spot in your heart. With how everything gets escalated in Paradise and Dean having previous experience in this journey, he wasn’t prepared for this, which leads to Caelynn feeling devastated.
Hers: I was rooting for what I thought was the strongest couple because I love how Dean and Caelynn bring out such tender sides in one another. Dean makes Caelynn feel supported and safe and Caelynn softens Dean’s heart and allows him to be vulnerable. We knew Caelynn had reservations in her relationship with Dean because of his notorious past for sudden departures and had been expecting Dean to break up with her. The lesson here is that a woman should never doubt her intuition.
We get married!!
“And now introducing for the first time ... Mr. and Mrs. Chris and Krystal Randone!” - Chris Harrison

Hers: I have been waiting to see our wedding for over two months and I am so happy it’s finally here! On the morning of our wedding, I sat out on our beautiful patio writing my vows and reflecting on the year I surrendered to love and let go of the girl afraid to trust and believe that someone could be there for her. As I walked down the aisle, under a ceiling dripping in flowers and quartz crystals, I was the calmest I had felt throughout our entire wedding process. I knew deep down that I was marrying a man who had my back no matter what and that I could allow my heart to soften because I finally felt safe. The ceremony was my favorite part because it exudes who we are: a playful sage burning ceremony to cleanse away any negativity from our past, a shrine of crystals and burning incense for good vibes, and a room full of loving and supporting family and friends.
His: This wedding was nothing short of feeling royal and looking beautiful. Krystal looked incredible which led to me feeling an array of emotions as you saw tears appear when Krystal was revealed for the first time in her dress. It was everything we could’ve imagined and filled with love, sharing this experience with close friends and family. Being able to have a wedding in front of everyone where we first met, had our first kiss, and said our first I love you’s to each other was the key decision-maker to make this wedding happen and we're so grateful we did so. The wedding vows were by far the greatest memory because Krystal’s vows hit every emotion possible. Seeing the strong woman she is, knowing she’s gone through so much in her life and seeing her on top with a smile was the best thing any proud husband could ask for at that moment.

Hers: While the wedding was so special to see I couldn't help but feel sad that our moment was sandwiched in JPJ’s drama.
JPJ ambushes Derek
Hers: After our wedding ceremony, Chris and I went out to mingle and thank the guests for coming only to find that major drama was going down. Our family, close friends and other guests proceeded to tell us that JPJ had yelled at Derek causing a huge scene and upsetting Tayshia so much that she was in the bathroom crying. While I can understand that JPJ needed to speak to Derek, his antagonistic and aggressive behavior was inappropriate, especially as our wedding guest.
His: Watching John Paul Jones ambush Derek was disappointing on two accounts. One, it was a special day for both Krystal and myself, celebrating our love story in front of amazing people we care about. Seeing this unfold hurt because up until this point, John Paul Jones was funny and entertaining to watch. Seeing the rage and anger he had, along with the aggressiveness towards Derek, made a scene and scared people at the wedding. It was embarrassing to have that type of behavior displayed on our very special day. Second, the information John Paul Jones brought up made no sense because these topics haven’t been mentioned all season. The assumptions and accusations John Paul Jones made about Derek in front of him were nothing more than fabrications displayed by jealousy because of Derek giving Tayshia his rose. This selfish behavior was unfair to all of us and I’m sorry to my friends and family that had to watch that play out.
Hers: I was looking forward to meeting JPJ because he seemed fun and playful and so I was really sad to hear what a disturbance he had caused on our special day. Chris and I can relate to having “bad moments we regret” so I don’t want to hold this against JPJ. I’m sure looking back he would do things differently and I can only hope that this is the last wedding he’ll crash.

Clay & Angela come face to face
“I care a lot about Angela I do. It’s tough because it’s not like a light switch. You can’t turn it off and on.”- Clay
Hers: Chris and I had been anticipating when Angela and Clay would finally have a face-to-face since breaking up. Angela felt blind-sided that Clay broke up with her because he didn’t feel ready to commit, yet he left a few months later to go on "Paradise." Clay and Angela are good friends of ours so I can understand both perspectives. While Clay and Angela had been planning their future, looking at homes to buy and discussing baby names, he found out that his 9-year NFL career was ending, leaving Clay scared of how he would provide for himself and family, and needing to find out what was his identity post-football?
His: Watching two good friends of mine break apart whom I brought together was tough to swallow when it originally happened back earlier this year. However, watching Clay and Angela come face to face was even tougher. There was hurt for both of them. Clay had to walk away from the relationship not because he didn’t care but because the future scared him at the moment knowing taking care of his family is a priority and with the NFL career up in the air, having that instability was something Clay didn’t want to show to Angela. For Angela, she was blindsided and hurt. Not having much clarity and thinking about what went wrong, Angela always questioned why Clay ended things. There was never a doubt on how well the two got along. I believe the issues weighing over Clay regarding his career affected him emotionally to where he couldn’t get to the level of love Angela was at, which led to the end of their relationship. Clay seeing Angela again for the first time brought up emotions and we see Clay not feeling his best knowing he was facing a woman he knew was hurt.
Hers: Tense and awkward energy filled the room as Angela made her grand entrance as my bridesmaid, but oh boy, did that girl OWN that runway! In the second row, 12 feet from where Angela stood, was her ex Clay and his new girlfriend Nicole. Insert crickets. Nicole admits that she had been dreading meeting Angela because she was scared that she would try and take her man back, but Clay assured her he had moved on. As we moved into the reception, Nicole could not join, leaving Clay and Angela the opportunity to finally come face-to-face. Clay admits that he still deeply cares for her and places his hand on her leg, leaving us viewers with a jaw-drop moment.
Would Clay and Angela get back together?
“In my honest opinion, if Angela came down those steps, Clay and Nicole would not be together anymore.”- Tayshia
What’s to come: This week ends with Angela’s arrival in Paradise. Will she use her date card to take Clay on a date to rekindle their relationship? Will Nicole fight to keep her man? Will it be JPJ or Derek who finally wins over Tayshia’s heart?... Or will their ongoing fight be the demise of their time in Paradise?
We can only wait and see.
Thanks so much for reading our His and Hers Wedding Edition recap! Please let us what was your favorite part of this week’s "Bachelor in Paradise" recap and what you think will happen next week!