The dangers faced by the silent ticking time bomb that is a brain aneurysm rupture are once again in the headlines. This time it has affected the Chicago White Sox's Danny Farquhar, too.
In March 2015, Lisa Colagrossi an Emmy Award-winning veteran anchor and reporter at ABC-owned station WABC-TV in New York died unexpectedly while on assignment from an undiagnosed brain aneurysm.
When we hear that someone suffered an aneurysm, it's in the context of learning about the event. People often hear that the person is in a critical state, and they can only hope that the person pulls through without any life-altering disabilities.
The signs and symptoms can include:
If you are experiencing one or several of the indicators above, seek immediate medical attention.
In relation to the family history risk factor, there's currently available a screening test for this called an MRA screening or magnetic resonance angiogram. This is a type of MRI that looks specifically at the body's blood vessels.
Unfortunately, this test is not covered by most insurance companies, so the foundation works with health care providers, hospitals and insurance providers in getting adequate screening for populations at risk for brain aneurysms.
One of the reasons we don’t hear much about this affliction is that it's not on people’s radar and it's often overshadowed by heart disease, ischemic stroke, or breast cancer.
Brain aneurysms are basically weak or thin parts of the blood vessel wall that eventually balloons outward and can be prone to rupture. Often, patients who are about to experience an aneurysm rupture may present with no clear symptoms. For those who rupture the prognosis is often grim. The increased need for ongoing education of this neurological disorder is critical.
It's our profound hope that we will be instrumental in increasing the chances for survival and reducing the often catastrophic disabilities brought on by an aneurysm.
The Lisa Foundation in its three-year existence is credited directly with saving many lives here in the United States and abroad through our outreach and education.
Todd Crawford is the founder and executive director of The Lisa Colagrossi Foundation. Lisa Colagrossi was a WABC reporter in New York who died after suffering from an undiagnosed brain aneurysm at the age of 49 in March 2015.