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Travel September 5, 2018

This is the best time of year to fly

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Here's a pop quiz:

Q: When is the best time of year to fly?

A: Now.

The cheap and glorious fall season is upon us. Technically, it began Aug. 28, give or take a day, depending on where you live.

Yes, your calendar may say fall doesn't technically begin until Sept. 22, but airlines use different criteria because, as far as they're concerned, fall starts when kids go back to school and demand for family travel dries up.

Is fall the cheapest season?

No. For travel within the U.S. and much of the world, winter fares are almost always the cheapest. This cheapest season runs from about a week after New Year's Day through mid-February. By Valentine’s Day, winter is pretty much over, and it's on to the more expensive spring season.

STOCK PHOTO/Getty Images
PHOTO: Travelers get their boarding passes at airline check-in counter in this undated stock photo.
Travelers get their boarding passes at airline check-in counter in this undated stock photo.

What are advantages to fall travel?

There are two big ones. First, there are a lot of cheap fares in the fall, and tickets to European destinations can be dirt cheap. Second, some don't care much about the prices, they just love the weather. Yes, it can be chilly in the fall months, but a jacket will usually suffice because you don't have to worry about plodding through snow. You don't have to worry about plodding through long lines at major attractions, either -- when summer ends, most tourists head home.

How cheap are fall fares?

These round-trip deals from New York were all found late last week for travel in September: • San Antonio, $188 • Chicago, $133 • Miami, $139 • Copenhagen, $322 • London, $360

These fares were found using a seasonal search tool; my site has one but there are others. It’s a great way for flexible travelers to find super-deals.

Is there a catch in fall deals?

Yes. The holiday hikes. You’ll see this on U.S. fares for travel during the Thanksgiving period and again at Christmas and New Year’s.

Can you save more?

Sure. Always compare nonstop fares with connecting flights; yes, the longer flights can be inconvenient but they can also be a lot cheaper, too, especially on longer flights. Also, if you can avoid flying on Fridays and Sunday, you can usually save even more.

Anyone for a cheap trip to see the fall foliage? Now is the time to plan and shop.