ABC News January 12, 2016

White House's New Snapchat Account Is Heavy on Sunny and Bo

White House/Snapchat
White House Launches Snapchat Account.

The White House launched its Snapchat account Monday, one day ahead of President Obama's final State of the Union address.

Intended to give "snappers" a behind-the-scenes look at the run-up to the president's major address to Congress tonight, the account followed White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest through his rounds in the West Wing.

White House/Snapchat
White House Launches Snapchat Account.

By Tuesday morning though, the account was focusing solely on that old social media staple: cute pets. The executive mansion just happens to have two photogenic animals in First Dogs Sunny and Bo.

White House/Snapchat
White House Launches Snapchat Account.

The White House has previously established accounts for President Obama on Twitter and Facebook, but hopes to use its Snapchat account to reach the platform's younger audience.

"There are over 100 million daily active Snapchat users, and over 60 percent of American smartphone users between the ages of 13 and 34 use the platform," the White House said in a statement. "In light of the number of Americans who use the service to consume news and share with their friends, the White House is joining Snapchat to engage this broad cross-section of the population in new and creative ways."