ABC News December 5, 2015

White House: No Indication San Bernardino Shooters Were 'Part of a Broader Terrorist Cell'

Pete Souza/The White House
President Barack Obama holds a meeting in the Situation Room to discuss the the San Bernardino, Calif., shootings, Dec. 5, 2015.

The FBI has no indication the San Bernardino shooters were part of a larger terrorist cell, according to a readout of a briefing attended by President Obama today.

The White House shared photos of a Situation Room meeting from this morning attended by the president and his national security team.

It included Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson, FBI Director James Comey, Attorney General Loretta Lynch, CIA Director James Brennan and National Security Adviser Susan Rice. Vice President Biden attended the meeting via teleconference from Wilmington, Delaware.

President Obama's team provided "several pieces of information that point to the perpetrators being radicalized to violence" before carrying out the attacks in San Bernardino, according to the readout.

As the president mentioned in his weekly address this morning, the FBI has not found evidence of the two attackers being connected to a broader terrorist network.

"We know that ISIL and other terrorist groups are actively encouraging people -- around the world and in our country -- to commit terrible acts of violence, often times as lone wolf actors," Obama said in the address. ISIL is also known as ISIS or the Islamic State.

"And even as we work to prevent attacks, all of us -- government, law enforcement, communities, faith leaders -- need to work together to prevent people from falling victim to these hateful ideologies," the president added in the address.

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