December 5, 2016

Trump's Expanding List for Secretary of State - Stavridis, Huntsman, Tillerson, Bolton, Manchin

WATCH: Trump Team Still Looking for Secretary of State

ABC News has learned that President-elect Donald Trump, in broadening his search for a secretary of state, is now contemplating a mix of additional candidates that includes a retired Navy admiral Hillary Clinton eyed for vice president, a prominent oil company executive and a onetime Iraq War hawk.

The emergence of new names indicates that Trump is conflicted about his short list and faces persistent division in his inner circle of advisers over the key choice. The Trump transition team says Trump is considering as many as nine candidates for secretary of state, with the selection process appearing far from over.

Among the new names being discussed:

Retired Adm. James Stavridis: A four-star who spent more than 30 years in the Navy, the current dean of the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts and a onetime possible VP candidate for Hillary Clinton. A senior Trump transition official told ABC News that the team is considering him for secretary of state. Stavridis' office told ABC News, "At the request of the Trump transition team, Adm. Stavridis will meet with President-elect Trump on Thursday of this week in New York. There has been no discussion of a position in the Trump administration."

Former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman: A former governor of Utah and a onetime GOP presidential candidate, he served as the ambassador to Singapore under President Bill Clinton and ambassador to China under President Barack Obama. A senior Trump transition official told ABC News that Huntsman has come up as a possibility for secretary of state; former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski told the "ABC Powerhouse Politics" podcast last week that Huntsman was in the mix.

ExxonMobile CEO Rex Tillerson: The Texas oil executive is scheduled to visit Trump Tower in New York for a meeting with the president-elect on Tuesday. A senior transition official told ABC News he is under consideration for secretary of state. Tillerson, who has worked at Exxon for more than 40 years, has been the CEO since 2006. He has no formal diplomatic experience. According to various news reports, Tillerson supports the Paris climate agreement.

Former Ambassador to the U.N. John Bolton: Senior Trump transition officials say the former U.N. ambassador and former undersecretary of state for arms control during the George W. Bush administration has been under consideration. His name was dropped by Vice President-elect Mike Pence on "This Week" and was raised privately by transition sources in conversations with ABC News. He is a prominent neocon known for support of the 2003 Iraq War, for which he has said he has no regrets.

Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia: One of the most conservative Democrats in the Senate, Manchin has been mentioned by Trump as worth a look for secretary of state, a senior Trump transition source told ABC News. But it's not clear whether he is a serious contender for that position. ABC News previously reported Manchin as more likely under consideration for energy secretary.

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani and Sen. Bob Corker of Tennessee — all of whom have met with Trump about the job in recent weeks and emerged as finalists — remain possible picks for secretary of state, transition sources say.