January 13, 2021

Trump Twitter ban raises concerns over 'unchecked' power of big tech

WATCH: Social media purges accounts after Capitol Hill insurrection

Donald Trump is arguably the Twitter president -- having relied on his digital megaphone as a candidate and while in office to communicate unfettered (or fact-checked) with millions of supporters, unlike any past commander-in-chief.

His frequent communications on the channels, sometimes dozens a day on his personal Twitter feed "@realdonaldtrump," were considered official communications of the presidency.

So when Facebook and Twitter permanently suspended his accounts Friday in the wake of the Capitol siege over concerns that his posts were inciting violence, the president and his allies appeared incensed.

Twitter permanently suspends Donald Trump's account; president teases new platform

Many on the right -- even those critical of Trump's rhetoric -- renewed their attacks on "big tech," accusing companies of censoring conservatives and echoing Donald Trump, Jr.'s tweeted sentiment that "free-speech no longer exists in America.

Graeme Sloan/Bloomberg via Getty Images, FILE
In this Jan. 9, 2021, file photo, the suspended Twitter Inc. account of President Donald Trump is shown on a smart phone in Washington, D.C.

Trump, who along with other conservatives, has long railed against the social media giants for allegedly being biased against conservatives, blasted Twitter in a statement released by the White House Friday. He said the company has "gone further and further in banning free speech" and suspended his account in an effort to "silence" him.

Trump's tweets had been repeatedly flagged around the election for providing misleading information, another controversial move by social media companies seeking to bolster their fact-checking operations amid a torrent of disinformation.

So is this a matter of free speech or something else?

Facebook 'indefinitely' blocks Trump's account after violence at Capitol
Doug Mills-POOL/Getty Images, FILE
President Donald Trump speaks in the Oval Office before signing an executive order related to regulating social media on May 28, 2020, in Washington, DC.

Erwin Chemerinsky, a constitutional law professor and Dean of Berkley Law, said the First Amendment does not apply to the issue of suspending Trump's accounts because it is meant to protect people from being silenced by the government.

"A private company, no matter how large, does not have to comply with the First Amendment. Facebook and Twitter can suspend who they want and there is no First Amendment issue," he told ABC News.

Katie Fallow, a senior staff attorney at Columbia University's Knight First Amendment Institute, said that although there "would be no First Amendment claim against Twitter for banning President Trump," the issue of freedom of speech does factor into the debate in several ways.

Civil rights groups sound alarm over unchecked power of big tech

The debate over big tech's increasingly powerful role in public discourse has been debated and criticized by both the left and the right, with both sides arguing that platforms like Twitter and Facebook have too much power to shape debates and censor speech in an increasingly digital world.

Various civil rights groups, including the NAACP, have criticized Twitter and Facebook for allowing the president's conspiracy theories and false claims to go unchecked for years.

Arisha Hatch, vice president of the progressive advocacy nonprofit Color of Change, applauded Twitter's decision to ban Trump, but told ABC News on Monday that it was long overdue and showed that Trump was treated "in more privileged ways."

Meanwhile, the American Civil Liberties Union, which had been critical of Trump's rhetoric on social media, sounded the alarm after he was banned by Twitter, saying that while "we understand the desire to permanently" suspend him, "the unchecked power" companies like Facebook and Twitter have "should concern everyone."

This is what Trump told supporters before many stormed Capitol Hill

Trump and other prominent figures can turn to press teams or media outlets to communicate with the public, ACLU senior legislative counsel Kate Ruane said, but "many Black, Brown and LGBTQ activists who have been censored" do not have that "luxury."

Hatch echoed these concerns and said that while suspending Trump was the right call, "big tech companies have way too much power" and "should be subject to deeper government regulation."

How social media companies are protected under federal law

According to Fallow, the Trump presidency has posed new questions and challenges for social media platforms, free speech advocates and lawmakers, who are trying to navigate an "unprecedented" environment.

"Some people have called for (applying) antitrust law to the social media platforms on the idea that there's essentially a monopoly on the speech environment, but those are untested legal waters," she said.