ABC News February 2, 2016

Trump Says Skipping Debate May Have Hurt Him in Iowa

WATCH: Donald Trump in the Race 'Long Term' After Loss in Iowa

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said that skipping the last debate may have hurt him in the Iowa caucuses, but he is looking forward to next Tuesday's primary in New Hampshire.

"We're just going to do what I have to do. And if it works out, Tom, that's great. And if it doesn't, that's okay, too," Trump said in a press conference responding to a question from ABC's Tom Llamas ahead of an appearance at a rally in Milton, NH.

Trump said maybe him skipping the debate hurt him -- but he said he doesn't regret fundraising for vets during the forum. Trump skipped the debate amid a feud with hosts Fox News and the moderator of the first debate, Megyn Kelly.

Trump is now taking aim at the two others who claimed the top three spots in Iowa's caucuses -- the victor Sen. Ted Cruz as well as third place finisher Sen. Marco Rubio.

"How come the person that comes in third on many of the networks is being covered like it’s one of the great victories of politics in this country. And the person that’s not a professional politician, I’m a job creator,” Trump said. Later on he made fun of Rubio’s finish again -- “fantastic win!”

Trump repeatedly attacked the media for how his finish was being categorized.

"You know when you think the amazing thing is, the press, not all of them, some were great," said Trump, who received the endorsement of former Massachusetts Sen. Scott Brown. "Some were saying, he came in second, he started off in 10th and came in second. But with me, they don't like to hear second.”

Trump will campaign tomorrow in Little Rock, Ark and returns to New Hampshire Thursday with multiple stops.