ABC News May 24, 2016

Trump Says Climate Change a 'Hoax' but Acknowledges Threat to Golf Course

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Donald Trump has called climate change “a hoax” created by special interests that negatively affects businesses.

But when it comes to his golf course in Ireland, the presumptive GOP nominee's organization is treating global warming as a real and pressing threat, seeking to protect the course from rising sea levels and increased storm activity caused by climate change.

Trump International Golf Links Ireland, also known as Doonbeg Golf Resort, is seeking permission from Clare County Council in Ireland to build a limestone seawall "to protect the golf course and dunes from excessive erosion," according to documents filed by their design and landscape architects and obtained by ABC News.

The application, filed on May 10, 2016, cites climate change as a central justification to undertake the project, saying, “The rising sea levels and increased storm frequency and wave energy associated with global warming can increase the rate of erosion, wave damage, coastal flooding, etc.”

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The document adds that the golf course’s location, along the Atlantic coast, is “identified as one area where a coastal erosion is identified as a risk issue.”

An environmental impact statement accompanying the application further details the concern about how global warming could affect the property.

“It has been shown that there has been a steady retreat of the dune line over the past 100 years, with significant losses occurring after major storms,” the statement reads. “The evidence for increased storm activity associated with climate change suggests that the erosion will accelerate.”

The Trump Organization did not immediately respond to ABC News’ request for comment.