January 26, 2018

Scaramucci: Davos platform lets Trump 'explain himself better to the world'

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Attending the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, gives President Donald Trump "a platform to explain himself better to the world," Anthony Scaramucci told ABC News' Terry Moran.

"The consensus would be that he's a nationalist, an American-centric, that he would never attend an event like this," Scaramucci said. "There's a duality to his personality. He wants to engage in the global system, he wants to foster global peace and prosperity, and he understands the mechanisms of the world order necessary to do that."

Trump campaigned on protecting and recovering American jobs, and earlier this week signed a measure that would enact new tariffs on washing machines and cells for solar panels made in Asia. Solar-energy companies have said such a decision may actually cost the U.S. 23,000 jobs.

Tariffs will help accomplish the president's economic goals "through market forces" because "we know that socialism doesn't work," backing up Trump's campaign promise to support "the forgotten man," Scaramucci said.

"It's not protectionism," added the former White House communications director. "All the president is saying is the asymmetrical trade situation has hurt American families in the working class, and so he wants to empower them and give them more disposable income."

Davos attendees likely will receive Trump "quietly, with great enthusiasm," Scaramucci said. "This is an elite group of people that have a lot of IQ, and they're very impressed with themselves, so they will be very reluctant to show how enthusiastic they are that the American president has shown up."

"At the end of the day," Scaramucci added, "if you don't have a couple of haters, you're just not doing your job right. So God bless him."

Scaramucci served as White House communications director for 11 days.