ABC News February 22, 2016

Sandy Hook Mom Suing Gun Company ‘to Save Other Families’

WATCH: Judge to Decide on Lawsuit Filed by Sandy Hook Families

From San Bernardino, California, to Newtown, Connecticut, the AR-15 is the weapon of choice for mass shootings.

And a Connecticut judge heard arguments today over whether the Remington Outdoor Co. -- the parent company of the manufacturer of the AR-15 military assault weapon used in the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre in 2012 -- will be held accountable for the 26 lives lost.

The hearing was expected to determine whether a wrongful death lawsuit, brought by 10 victims' families against the gun company, will go to trial. No immediate ruling was made today and a status conference was set for April 19.

The gun company was expected to ask the judge to dismiss the suit, in which the "plaintiffs seek nothing more and nothing less than accountability.”

But to Nicole Hockley, the mother of 6-year-old Sandy Hook victim Dylan Hockley, gun companies "must be held accountable for marketing and selling the AR-15, a killing machine designed only for military use, to violence-prone young men."

The Sandy Hook gunman, Adam Lanza, was 20 when he shot and killed his mother before going to the Sandy Hook Elementary School where he massacred 20 first-graders and six educators, before killing himself.

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"No lawsuit will ever bring Dylan back to our family," Hockley said. "No lawsuit will ever bring back any of the 26 innocent lives that were stolen or bring peace to the families that will never recover from this.

"We’re bringing this lawsuit to save other families from having to live with the nightmare that we do every single day.”

The gun company has declined to comment to ABC News, citing the pending litigation, but did cite a 2005 federal law in which gun manufacturers and dealers are inoculated from liability after mass shootings.