ABC News February 10, 2016

Royal Caribbean Cruise Ship Battered by Storm Arrives Back in New Jersey

WATCH: Cruise Ship Passengers Describe What Happened During Weather Troubles

The Royal Caribbean cruise ship that was rocked by stormy weather arrived back in New Jersey Wednesday night, where it is expected to be inspected by the Coast Guard.

The Anthem of the Seas arrived in Bayonne, New Jersey around 9 p.m.

The ship, which left from the same port on Saturday and was due to head out on a week-long cruise to the Bahamas, was supposed to arrive sooner after the captain made the decision to turn around, but that arrival time was pushed back further because the "weather isn't great," a Royal Caribbean spokesperson said on Tuesday.

"The Captain has been very sensitive to the rough ride guests have already experienced. So he's slowed down his speed to smooth it out," the spokesperson said.

Coast Guard officials are expected to be on hand to inspect the ship.

"The Coast Guard will participate in an investigation that will help determine if there are any contributing causal factors or lessons learned from this event that could help prevent injuries or damage in the future, as occurs with any commercial vessel operating in U.S. waters under similar circumstances," the Coast Guard said in a statement released today.

In a statement Wednesday night, the cruise line apologized "for exposing our guests and crew to the weather they faced, and for what they went through."

They said the ship encountered "sustained 120-mph winds" which "far exceeded forecasts."

"Even so, it is our responsibility to eliminate every surprise we possibly can," said the company, which plans to bolster its planning system going forward.