ABC News November 26, 2014

Police Fire Tear Gas at Protesters in Ferguson; 45 Arrested

WATCH: Overnight Fury in Ferguson, Mo.

Police fired tear gas at protesters in Ferguson, Missouri, overnight after a police car was flipped over and set on fire. Forty-five people were arrested as violence erupted in the city for the second consecutive night.

Four of the people arrested face felony charges, St. Louis County Police Chief Jon Belmar said at an early-morning news conference. Rioting occurred at Ferguson’s city hall building, with windows broken and the police car vandalized, leading officers to fire the tear gas, Belmar said. It was the only place where tear gas was used, he added.

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Other incidents were reported near a memorial for slain teen Michael Brown, as well as attempted looting at a Walgreen’s store, Belmar said.

More than 2,000 National Guardsmen were deployed to Ferguson Tuesday, helping to restore some level of peace in the city. Questions lingered over whether the National Guard troops should have been in place Monday, with Ferguson Mayor James Knowles III calling the delay “deeply disturbing.”

“It’s hard to speculate if the National Guard came out Monday night, that things would have turned out differently,” Belmar said.

Belmar said the violence from Monday night and Tuesday morning reached a scale that "fortunately we've seldom seen here in this country."

Missouri State Highway Patrol Captain Ron Johnson said authorities were caught off guard by the level of violence following a grand jury’s decision not to indict police officer Darren Wilson for the Aug. 9 shooting of Brown, who was unarmed.

“None of us could have imagined what had happened Monday night,” Johnson said. “If we had a crystal ball, maybe we would have done things differently.”

David Goldman/AP Photo
Protesters grab smoke canisters and throw them to police, Nov. 25, 2014, in Ferguson, Mo.

One factor that hindered firefighting efforts Tuesday morning was gunfire, authorities said. Few gunshots were reported this morning, Johnson said.

The situation in Ferguson has drawn national attention, with rallies and protests held across the country following Monday’s grand jury decision.