ABC News August 29, 2021

'There is clearly no plan' to evacuate US citizens, allies after troop withdrawal from Afghanistan: Sen. Ben Sasse

WATCH: 'There is no plan' to continue Afghanistan evacuations after US withdrawal: Sasse

Sen. Ben Sasse, R-Neb., accused President Joe Biden and his administration of painting a rosier picture of the Afghanistan evacuations as the Aug. 31 U.S. troop withdrawal looms.

"There is clearly no plan. There has been no plan. Their plan has basically been happy talk," Sasse told ABC "This Week" co-anchor Martha Raddatz.

In an earlier interview with Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Raddatz pressed the secretary about the United States' ability to get the remaining U.S. citizens and Afghan allies out of the country once all U.S. troops where out of Afghanistan.

MORE: 'Risk is very high' for another attack in Kabul: Secretary of State Antony Blinken

Blinken pointed to private and public assurances from Taliban leadership to allow free travel after America's departure to anyone who wishes to leave the country. Sasse called the interview "disgusting" and said the thinking that the U.S. should trust the Taliban is "stupid" and "insane."

"And their plan still seems to be, 'let's rely on the Taliban' because the Taliban cares a lot about what world opinion thinks of them -- it was a disgusting revelation of yet again no plan," Sasse said, adding the "American people have a right to be livid about it."

According to a new ABC/Ipsos poll, 84% of Americans believe U.S. troops should stay in Afghanistan until all American are evacuated. The poll also found that 59% of Americans disapprove of Biden's handling of Afghanistan, about 38% approve of Biden's response.

MORE: Overwhelming bipartisan support for keeping troops in Afghanistan until all Americans, Afghans who aided US out: POLL

The senator, who serves on the Senate Intelligence Committee, has been critical of the U.S. troop withdrawal from Afghanistan since the final months of the Trump administration.

"I fear this weak retreat is not grounded in reality and will make the world a more dangerous place," Sasse said in a statement in November 2020.

In the last few days, Sasse has repeatedly urged Biden to keep troops in Afghanistan past Tuesday's deadline to ensure that every U.S citizen and ally who wants to leave the country is safely evacuated.

Raddatz asked the senator Sunday what he thinks should be done to continue evacuations.

"There are some small ways to try to do things around the margins. But what we need is a commander in chief that actually has a big plan and a big way to solve this problem," Sasse responded, accusing Biden of being "disconnected from reality."

Sasse continued to hammer the "happy talk" he claimed is being used by Biden and that it won't resolve the growing terror threat in Afghanistan.

"The consequences are going to be a return of the Taliban that has been willing to provide safe haven to terrorists in the past," Sasse added. "We have so many different groups who want to turn Afghanistan into the global capital city of jihad, and the administration doesn't have a plan."

"They're got all this over-the-horizon talk that is laughably shallow," Sasse added, referring to the classified briefings by intelligence and military officials. "If you actually sit in Intelligence Committee meetings and you hear what over-the-horizon looks like, it is a pittance compared to what we just had on the ground."

Raddatz asked Sasse whether his plea to keep more U.S. forces in Afghanistan past the Tuesday deadline would put them at risk.

"Given that the Taliban said this date was a red line, given that ISIS is now carrying out these horrendous bombings and threatening more violence, wouldn't staying have put our forces more at risk?" Raddatz asked.

"Joe Biden put our forces at risk by having no plan for how to evacuate. We are absolutely at risk," Sasse responded.

"Abandoning Bagram base will be read about in military textbooks for decades as one of the stupidest military blunders ever," Sasse continued, adding that the rapid reduction of U.S. forces in Afghanistan has left a "ridiculously untenable position" for evacuations.

"Thirteen servicemen and women died this week, and our families across this country are in prayer for those families and for the ultimate sacrifice they have made, but they were doing something to make sure that no one was left behind," Sasse said.