ABC News January 13, 2016

Online Dating Tips From 'Most Sought-After Woman' on OkCupid

Lauren Urasek
Lauren Urasek, 25, has been deemed the most-messaged New York woman on the online dating website OkCupid.

Standing out in the crowd of the more than 40 million online dating users in the United States may seem an impossible task, but one 25-year-old claims to have cracked the code.

Lauren Urasek, a New York City-based makeup artist, was deemed last year the most sought-after straight woman on the online dating website

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“I was receiving around 35 messages a day,” Urasek told "Good Morning America" of her online dating popularity after joining last January after a breakup.

Urasek began getting so many messages that she documented them on Tumblr and has now chronicled her dating experience in her new book, “Popular.”

Urasek's popularity was first documented in a 2014 story by New York Magazine in which ­OkCupid­ co-founder Christian Rudder analyzed the data from a one-week period and found that Urasek was the most sought-after straight woman, with a total of 245 messages during that one week alone.

“I still go on bad dates [and] I still don’t get texts returned from guys but, yeah, I get a lot of people asking me,‘Why do you get so many messages? How do I get more messages?,’” Urasek told "GMA."

The online dater, who is currently single, says having an eye-catching profile picture is key to drawing attention. She shared her tried-and-true formula with “GMA” viewers, in her own words.

Use a Selfie: "Lighting is everything when you're taking a selfie. Natural light is best and obviously the easiest to find. The best angle is a little above your eye line and make sure you're looking into the camera. The same thing, if you're taking a mirror photo, you should look into the actual camera in the mirror and not your reflection in the mirror."

Post a Conversation-Starter: "I get tons of messages about hockey because not only do I have a picture wearing a hockey jersey, but I write it in my interests, so a lot of guys can relate to that and it's an easy conversation starter for them."

Use 'The Grade' App to Rate Your Photos: "One of their coolest features is that you can have like five photos uploaded and as you set a photo as your main picture, it will gather actual data that shows you what the response rate is for that photo," Urasek said of "The Grade," for which she is a paid spokesperson.

Stay True to Yourself: "I think for everyone, you should just go in being you and just don't take it too seriously."