ABC News November 5, 2015

NYC Marathon Couple Finds Mystery Woman Who Captured Their 'Perfect' Engagement Photo

Val Ferrara
Joe Duarte proposes to Katie Mascenik during the NYC Marathon on Nov. 1, 2015.

The power of social media has given one couple the happy ending they wanted.

A newly-engaged couple was able to track down the woman who took the photo of their engagement, after their quest to find their "perfect" photo went viral.

Joe Duarte proposed to Katie Mascenik during the NYC Marathon last Sunday. They later realized that a woman in the corner of one of their engagement photos had actually taken the perfect shot of the proposal.

Elaine Sienkiewiez
Joe Duarte and Katie Mascenik are on the hunt to find the person who snapped their "perfect" engagement photo at the marathon on Nov. 1, 2015.

"How I wish I had asked the girl for her picture. She has the perfect picture of our engagement," Katie wrote on her Facebook page.

ABC News reported about Duarte and Mascenik's quest to find their "perfect" engagement photo on Tuesday, and on Wednesday evening, the bride-to-be heard back from Val Ferrara, the mystery woman.

Couple Seeks Stranger Who Snapped 'Perfect' Shot of NYC Marathon Proposal Man Records Girlfriend's Reaction to His Proposal By Hiding a GoPro in Ring Box Couple's Awkward Engagement Photos Prove They're a Match Made in 1970s Heaven

According to Mascenik, Ferrara was at the race supporting her friends, and just happened to be standing close to Mascenik when Duarte ran over to pop the question.

Mascenik said that Ferrara took about 10 photos of the proposal as well as a video, and she was more than happy to send them over to the couple.

Val Ferrara
Joe Duarte proposes to Katie Mascenik during the NYC Marathon on Nov. 1, 2015.

"I think they turned out fantastic and I’m just so happy that we have them now," said Mascenik.