ABC News January 6, 2016

North Korea's Kim Jong Un Shown Allegedly Signing Bomb Test Authorization

WATCH: North Korea Claims It Has Detonated a Hydrogen Bomb

North Korean government officials are touting their allegedly successful test of a hydrogen bomb and have released what they say is a photo of their "Dear leader" authorizing the move.

State-run media released a photo purportedly taken in December when Kim Jong Un authorized the test of the bomb.

North Korea Claims It Has Successfully Tested Hydrogen Bomb

The first photo purportedly shows the mysterious leader signing a document juxtaposed with a close-up of the letter that is reportedly dated Dec. 15, 2015.

The second photo shows a note that Kim Jong Un reportedly wrote, which translates to, "I authorize the hydrogen bomb test. Carry it out on January 6!"

The veracity of the state's claims about the supposed test will be checked today when U.S. "sniffer" planes are sent over the region to detect particles in the air.

The United Nations Security Council is scheduled to meet this morning. The U.N.'s International Atomic Energy Agency released a statement noting that if confirmed, the test "is in clear violation of U.N. Security Council resolutions and is deeply regrettable."