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ABC News September 13, 2012

Nasty Neighbors Caught on Tape


intro: If you think your neighbor is doing you wrong, what do you do? Report his transgressions to police? Confront him yourself? For some homeowners, the answer is "catch him in the act." Click through to watch footage of neighbors doing everything from stealing booze to leaving foul-smelling surprises on a front lawn. Watch the full story on "20/20: Nasty Neighbors" tonight at 10 p.m. ET.

quicklist: 1 title: The Booze Bandit text: A camera installed in YouTube user OutsiderGear's kitchen caught his neighbor taking a drink from one of his liquor bottles and then pouring some alcohol into his own empty plastic bottle. The boozing bandit then proceeded to look through the kitchen refrigerator before making his escape through a window, where he was greeted by police.

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quicklist: 2 title: The Doggie Bag Dumper text: Living in a gated community may keep some dangers out, but it won't protect you from your neighbor's misdeeds: Steve Miller, of Palm Beach Gardens, Fla., found that out the hard way after he found ten bags of feces in the bushes on his lawn. Miller mounted a video camera on his house and sure enough, the camera soon caught a neighbor dumping bag after bag of canine waste. Miller alerted the gated community's security patrol, which issued the dog owner several citations.

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quicklist: 3 title: The Car Scratcher text: Adam Kliebert, from Houston, Texas, was perplexed when he found scratches on his SUV, which was parked in front of his home. With help from co-workers he installed security cameras outside his home, and caught former state district Judge Woody Densen apparently tampering with his car. Densen pleaded guilty to a Class A misdemeanor of criminal mischief and was fined $1,500.

In a videotaped conversation with Densen before his arrest, Densen told Kliebert that he didn't know who damaged his SUV but suggested that it happened because the SUV was partially blocking the sidewalk.

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quicklist: 4 title: The Canine Cacophony text: A man in Fredericksburg, Va., had enough with his neighbor's barking terriers, so he taped a series of YouTube videos capturing the unfortunate daily and nightly routine of dogs barking loudly behind an enclosed fence.

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