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ABC News September 26, 2016

1 of 2 Missing Boaters Found After 8 Days Adrift at Sea

WATCH: US Coast Guard Suspends Search for Mother Missing at Sea

The Coast Guard says a 22-year-old boater has been recovered on Sunday 100 miles off the coast of Martha's Vineyard after spending more than a week adrift at sea.

Nathan Carman and his 54-year-old mother Linda set sail in a 32-foot aluminum center console boat from Point Judith, Rhode Island on Saturday of the previous week for a fishing trip.

The Coast Guard launched a search after the pair failed to return and had not been heard from.

The Coast Guard says it searched for six days, exhausting all efforts after covering an area larger than the state of Georgia, from south of Block Island, Rhode Island to the Canyons off New York.

On Sunday, a freighter found Carman floating in a life raft about 100 nautical miles south of Martha’s Vineyard, reported WTNH, a local ABC affiliate.

The Coast Guard says he is in good condition and the freighter is bringing him to land, WTNH reported.

Linda Carman was not found on the life raft and her whereabouts are still under investigation, WTNH reported.