January 26, 2017

Mexico's President Says 'I Regret and Reject' Plan for Border Wall

WATCH: Mexico's President Says 'I Regret and Reject' Plan for Border Wall

Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto spoke out Wednesday night against President Donald Trump's plan to build a border wall, saying he rejects the move.

"I regret and reject the decision of the United States to continue building a wall that, that for years, far from uniting us, divides us," Pena Nieto said in a taped message.

"Mexico does not believe in walls."

One of the two executive orders Trump signed today lays the groundwork for a border wall and Trump told ABC News' David Muir construction could start in "months."

In the taped message, Nieto reiterated his stance that Mexico "will not pay for any wall" and said he's ordered the Foreign Affairs ministry to "reinforce protection measures for our nationals."

"The 50 Mexican consulates in the United States will convert into authentic advocates for the rights of migrants."

He did not address reports that he may be canceling next week's visit to Washington, D.C. But Mexican Foreign Affairs Secretary Luis Videgaray Caso said in an interview Wednesday night with Mexico's Televisa that Nieto's Jan. 31 visit is still confirmed.