ABC News November 15, 2017

Possible meteor dazzles Phoenix with fireball across evening sky

WATCH: Possible meteor dazzles Phoenix with fireball across evening sky

Residents of the Phoenix area observed what appeared to be a bright meteor flying across the night sky on Tuesday.

City officials in Phoenix tweeted about the event around 11:30 p.m., calling it "something brilliant," after a security camera captured the sight.

Witnesses reported seeing a bright fireball-like flash in the sky.

Check out the video of the dazzling display below, after about 10 seconds, on the right side of the screen.

"Did anyone just see that the meteor or asteroid just now? I'm in Arizona and it turned night sky's into daylight,” one Twitter user wrote late Tuesday.

Separately, the American Meteor Society said it received more than 200 reports of a meteor's fireball above New York on Saturday night.

That fireball was seen primarily from New York and Pennsylvania but was also seen from Michigan, New Jersey, Maryland, Virginia, Ohio, Massachusetts, Delaware, Connecticut, West Virginia, Vermont, Ontario and Quebec.

It’s no surprise that residents were able to clearly spot the fireball, since, according to the AMS, a fireball can be brighter than the planet Venus in our skies.