ABC News May 16, 2016

Megyn Kelly Says Donald Trump Needs to Do Better With Women

WATCH: Megyn Kelly Talks Trump's Attitude Toward Women

Republican women have “warmed a little” to Donald Trump, but he will need to do better with them in the general election than Mitt Romney did four years ago, journalist Megyn Kelly said today on "Good Morning America."

Although the presumptive Republican presidential nominee is doing well with white men, he still has work to do with GOP women, the Fox News anchor told ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos.

“I think that Republican women have warmed a little to Trump,” Kelly said, noting that Romney lost the female vote to President Obama by 11 points in 2012. “The Republican candidate is going to need to do better than Mitt Romney did.”

Kelly said the female vote will be determined by whether women can tolerate the nature of some of Trump’s recent language about them, including her.

“The question remains to be seen whether they will vote or it will impact their vote to have a candidate who speaks in the way that Trump does and has for most of his lifetime about women,” Kelly said.

A one-on-one interview with Kelly and Trump is set to air Tuesday night on FOX Broadcast at 8 p.m. ET. She said it took her some time to find the right time to reach out to the billionaire real estate developer.

“In April there was a lull in the tweet storm, and I seized on the opportunity,” Kelly said. “I had been looking for months for just the right window to go in there. But every time I thought I was there, he’d start up again, whether it was boycotting the second Fox News debate or calling me crazy and sick after the third debate.”

Kelly said the interview was recorded after she met in person with Trump. The interview itself was the first time they discussed their recent falling out after Trump insulted her on Twitter multiple times following the first Republican debate on Fox News when she asked Trump a question about his comments directed at women.

“I think you will see him as you haven’t seen him before,” Kelly said. “I would say overall the tone was cordial, but there will be some moments where people will be feeling a little uncomfortable.”