ABC News September 21, 2016

Man Mugged While Playing 'Pokemon Go' Captures His Attack on Live Video

WATCH: Pokemon Go Player Captures Own Mugging on Camera

A man playing the popular augmented reality game "Pokemon Go" near Central Park in New York was mugged early Monday morning — and caught the violent attack on camera while he live-streamed his game activity.

Rickey Yaneza, 43, who frequents the park with other players, told ABC News that he was on Central Park South when the alleged thief knocked him down with a punch from behind, demanded he hand over his devices and took off running.

Yaneza carries three devices at once, he said: one phone for the game, one for chatting and one to live-stream, so other gamers following his activity saw the attack unfold.

His friends commented live on the attack, and his mugging video quickly went viral. He was treated at the scene and sustained only minor injuries, with a bruise on his cheek and a scrape on his elbow.

"I'm alive," Yaneza said. "That's all that matters, really."

He said he was in search of a creature called a Snorlax at the time.

"Pokemon Go," a location-based augmented reality app, lets users track and capture virtual creatures at real-life locations. But the game's popularity, which has led to players' using the app while walking around in public areas, has raised security concerns and caused problems for many participants.

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In July three teens in Missouri were charged with armed robbery after allegedly staking out game locations and waiting for distracted players to arrive so they could rob them.

A month later a police body cam caught a distracted "Pokemon Go" player using the app while driving a vehicle that proceeded to crash into a parked police patrol car. The officers were standing beside the police vehicle and were unharmed. The driver immediately told officials the accident was a result of playing the game.

According to a new study released by The Journal of the American Medical Association, if players use a car to search for Pokemon, they can incur serious risk. The study cites 14 motor vehicle crashes within 10 days that reportedly involved "Pokemon Go."

Yaneza's attack raises safety concerns and serves as a reminder for augmented reality users to be careful and stay vigilant.

"Pokemon Go" developer Niantic told ABC News in a statement that it takes "safety seriously" and encourages players to be aware of their surroundings at all times.

"We're glad to see that Rickey is safe, and we're sorry to hear that this has happened to him, but it's heartening to see that despite this incident, his attitude remains upbeat and positive," the statement reads. "We encourage all people to be aware of their surroundings and to play alongside friends or family, especially after dark or when exploring unfamiliar places. Please remember to be safe and alert at all times, don't drive and play, abide by local laws and respect the locations you visit and people you meet during your exploration. We ask parents and guardians to be mindful and monitor your child’s online and offline activities so it is a fun and safe experience for all."