ABC News January 7, 2016

Kim Jong Un Celebrates Unconfirmed Birthday While U.S. Investigates Unconfirmed Hydrogen Bomb

WATCH: Kim Jong Un: In a minute

Putting candles on Kim Jong Un’s birthday cake this year won’t be an easy task because no one really knows how old the North Korean leader is turning.

While his birthday is believed to be Jan. 8, the age and life of the "dear leader" are difficult to pin down. He is reportedly in his 30s.

All that international watchers know about the mysterious leader is what he releases through state-controlled media and the publicity surrounding some of his more famous supporters.

North Korean Test Not Likely a Hydrogen Bomb, US Officials Say North Korea Claims It Successfully Tested Hydrogen Bomb North Korea's Kim Jong Un Shown Allegedly Signing Bomb Test Authorization

It was a busy week in the secretive world of North Korea. The country claimed it had successfully tested a hydrogen bomb, but U.S. officials said that was not likely.

To find out more about Kim Jong Un watch the video above.