ABC News December 10, 2017

Judge Roy Moore avoids spotlight before Alabama Senate vote

WATCH: Trump records robocall for Moore in Senate race

Two days before Alabama's special election, Republican Senate candidate Judge Roy Moore kept a low profile, not holding campaign events or making any public appearances, other than an interview with "The Voice of Alabama Politics."

In the interview, Moore again denied the allegations of sexual misconduct against him, and said that he did not know the women who have accused him of sexual assault or molestation.

"I did not know them. I had no encounter with them. I never molested anyone," Moore said about two of the women who have leveled the most serious accusations against him.

Moore, 70, has been accused by eight women of actions ranging from inappropriate behavior to sexual assault when he was in his 30s and, in most of the cases, the women were in their teens. He has denied the allegations.

Roy Moore campaign releases 'Trump robocall' Roy Moore win would ‘harken us back to days of segregation’: Alabama congresswoman

"These allegations are completely false," he said. "I did not date underaged women, I did not molest anyone. So these allegations are false.”

He blamed the allegations on the "scheme of political parties today."

"They know I've stood for moral values and so they're attacking me in that area," he said. "It's done for political purposes."

The Republican candidate has not made many public appearances this weekend leading into election day, despite facing a tight race against Democrat Doug Jones.