November 6, 2023

Introducing 'Your Voice, Your Vote': The 2024 election unfolding on Main Street

WATCH: Real Voices Real Choices Michigan

As the journey to Election Day 2024 is already underway, it's more important than ever to take the pulse of the nation, understand the issues that truly matter to voters, and the voices that are shaping the course of America’s future. That's the mission of "Your Voice, Your Vote"—a groundbreaking project by ABC News, in collaboration with 538, that takes you to the heart of American democracy, right on Main Street.

"Your Voice, Your Vote" goes beyond the horserace coverage of elections and delves deep into how politics plays out in the lives of everyday Americans during an especially polarized and charged political environment.

This project is a window into the political landscapes of swing counties in Michigan, North Carolina, Ohio, and more. These bellwether locations have historically teetered on the precipice of political change, making them a microcosm of the nation's shifting political tides.

"We're in this very divisive environment in our country. And I feel like we're living that right here."

In the first installment, ABC News and 538 highlight the GOP divide in Ottawa County, Michigan. Click on the image below for the full story.

Our dedicated team of ABC News and 538 reporters and producers will immerse themselves in these communities, engaging with local residents, elected officials, and activists to capture the essence of the issues driving the conversations at home and on Main Street.

538 senior politics reporter Monica Potts discusses her reporting for "Your Voice, Your Vote," which spotlights the political divide in Michigan's Ottawa County.

We will explore the concerns and aspirations of everyday Americans, shedding light on how their political choices and conflicts could reverberate throughout the nation. We'll bring you the stories of people who often go unheard—the small business owners, the educators, the health care workers, and more.

Most recently, ABC News traveled to Wake County, North Carolina, where residents shared how the culture wars are shaping the state's deep electoral divide. Click on the image below for the full story.

Their concerns, beliefs, and hopes for the future are integral to American democracy. To paint a comprehensive picture of these pivotal locations, "Your Voice, Your Vote" will encompass a diverse array of media, including articles and videos that put the spotlight on the conversations that have the power to shape the outcome the election.

Stay tuned to ABC News and 538 as we embark on this journey to uncover the stories that will define the 2024 election on Main Street.