ABC News September 10, 2015

Hillary Clinton Would 'LOVE' to Debate Donald Trump

Jay LaPrete/AP Photo
Hillary Rodham Clinton speaks at a 'Women for Hillary' grassroots organizing meeting, Sept. 10, 2015, in Columbus, Ohio.

Hillary Clinton is ready to take on The Donald.

At her second-ever “Women for Hillary” rally in Columbus, Ohio today, the Democratic presidential candidate remarked that she would not just like — but “love” — to debate Donald Trump in the general election, specifically on women’s issues.

“There’s one particular candidate who just seems to delight in insulting women every chance he gets,” Clinton told a crowd of roughly 700 people at the at the Columbus Athenaeum, referring to the republican presidential frontrunner. “I have to say, if he emerges, I would love to debate him.”

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Clinton has recently made it a habit of incorporating Trump, who she calls the “flamboyant frontrunner,” into her stump speech.

At a recent campaign event in New Hampshire she told Trump to "stop 'cherishing women' and start respecting women.” And in an interview with ABC News’ David Muir this week, she called Trump’s comments about women, and his remark that Clinton “doesn’t have a clue” about women’s issues, “laughable.”

Clinton’s comments came just a few hours after the release of a new Quinnipiac poll showing her essentially tied with democratic opponent Senator Bernie Sanders in Iowa.

Clinton did not mention Sanders by name at the rally, which took place at the same venue where she delivered her 2008 Ohio victory speech. Instead, she touted her own record — specifically her ability to work across the aisle. And even pleaded “guilty” to being a centrist.

“You know, I get accused of being kind of moderate and center. I plead guilty,” the democratic presidential candidate quipped.

Earlier this summer, Clinton said, "I take a back seat to no one" on progressive policies during a campaign event in New Hampshire.

Clinton, who teared up while talking about her mother during her recent interview with ABC News, spoke even more personally about her mom, Dorothy Rodham, on Thursday.

"She made me grilled cheese sandwiches with tomato soup. She loved sports, so we would throw the ball around, she taught me how to play tennis. She was a great mom,” Clinton said, noting an inspirational line she got from her mom — "You can be knocked down, but not knocked out.”

Clinton delivered these remarks at her second-ever “Women for Hillary” event where she also mentioned the 20th anniversary of her women’s rights speech in Beijing. (Despite the energy of those in attendance, the room was not full to capacity.)

Clinton, who apologized on Tuesday for her use of a personal email account while Secretary of State, appeared in good spirits and made a slight joke about the "controversy” that often surrounds her.

“There was a lot of controversy about whether I should go or not,” Clinton remarked about her 1995 Beijing speech.

“Controversy seems to follow me around,” she added, “In case you haven’t noticed."