ABC News July 3, 2015

Hillary Clinton Not Fazed by Bernie Sanders' Crowds

WATCH: Hillary Clinton Not Fazed By Bernie Sanders' Crowds

Hillary Clinton does not yet seem fazed by Bernie-mentum.

During a campaign stop in New Hampshire on Friday, the Democratic presidential front-runner responded to a question from a reporter about the massive crowds her challenger, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, has seen at his own campaign events this week.

“We each run our own campaigns and I always knew this was going to be competitive,” Clinton said at Dairy Twirl ice cream shop in Lebanon, New Hampshire, when asked about the growing support behind Sanders and how he's seeing crowds even bigger than she is.

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“I want to have a great debate in the primary and caucus around the country and that is what I am looking forward to," she added.

This past week Sanders drew the largest crowd yet of any presidential candidate this campaign cycle. An estimated 10,000 people filled an arena in Madison, Wisconsin, to hear him speak.

Clinton's comments today came just after she held an organizing event at Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire. According to her campaign, the rally had a turnout of roughly 850 people – a measly number, perhaps, compared to what Sanders attracted this week. However, Clinton's campaign did have to move the afternoon event to a larger venue because of what they said was “increased local interest in attending.”

During her remarks at the rally, Clinton also doubled down on her own record as a progressive candidate.

"I take a back seat to no one when you look at my record of standing up and fighting for progressive values," she said in a woodsy, outdoor arena on the Ivy League's campus.