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ABC News April 1, 2014

Best April Fools' Day Pranks

WATCH: Honda Offers DIY Car on April Fools' Day

quicklist: 1 title: Have A Beard? Life Just Got So Much Easier text: Happy April Fools' Day!

We may not have fallen for these hilarious pranks, but they sure made us laugh.

Check out Beard Swipe, the "app" that allows bros with facial hair to unlock their iPhones simply by rubbing them across their facial hair.

The hilarious, fake app idea is the brainchild of iStrategyLabs, a Washington D.C. based digital agency.

"I already had a beard on my face, so this was very convenient," one testimonial says.

Check out the ridiculously funny video here.

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quicklist: 2 title: Netflix's Latest Are Visual Feasts text: Netflix, the place where many people like to binge watch their favorite shows is now offering viewers a real visual feast.

The Netflix originals "Rotisserie Chicken" and "Sizzling Bacon" curiously made their debuts today -- April 1 -- on the on-demand entertainment carrier's website.

The titles of the prank shows are pretty self-explanatory. Viewers are treated to some major food porn by watching a rotisserie chicken continuously cook or bacon sizzling in a pan, if that's more your thing.

The only thing missing is the aroma. Perhaps next year someone can invent smello-vision?

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quicklist: 3 title: Airbnb Lets You Rent Your Desk text: Airbnb, the same company that lets users rent out their apartments or homes to travelers, has come up with a hilarious April Fools' Day money making scheme.

Why not let users rent out their desks too?

"Make a little extra while you're away making coffee," the site jokes.

The team at Airbnb included a few mock listings for workspaces, including a "modern" desk located "5-ft. from the bathroom" for $21 per hour and a "cozy desk in my room" for $5 per hour.

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quicklist: 4 title: YouTube Masterminds Every Viral Video text: Conspiracy theorists will love YouTube's April Fool's Day prank.

In a video released today, the company takes credit for every viral video on the Internet.

The Harlem Shake? Planking? The brains at Youtube have jokingly taken credit for masterminding those crazes and even offered a hilarious preview of the memes they want to be next.

There are clockers -- people acting as human clocks. Be sure to also check out the "Glub Glub Water Dance" that the geniuses at YouTube say will be the new "Gangnam Style" of 2014.

Viewers with their own bright ideas are being asked to share them on YouTube using the hashtag #newtrends. According to YouTube, the company's meme experts will then choose their favorites and make them official trends.

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quicklist: 5 title: Want A Job At Google? text: This is the stuff middle school boys' dreams are made of. Tech giant Google released a YouTube video in which it announced that the company is hiring "Pokémon Masters," who will take Google Maps "to the next dimension."

In the video, fearless applicants for the fake job try to capture animated Pokémon characters in the air and over water and mountains.

Read More: Twitter Helmet to Let User Tweet With Their Heads?

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quicklist: 6 title: Virgin America and Nest Team Up text: Virgin America and newly acquired smart-device company Nest went to great lengths for their April Fools' Day announcement, which featured the CEOs of both companies, Richard Branson and Tony Fadell, respectively. Both companies featured separate announcements on the Virgin America and Nest websites.

Nest, recently acquired by Google, and Virgin America announced that each plane passenger can control their own climate with three settings: Cancun Afternoon, Standard Day in Los Angeles, and Chicago Polar Vortex. Watch the video for a good chuckle.

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quicklist: 7 title: Manaphin Sighting in Florida text: Officials from the St. Petersburg/Clearwater tourism office announced sightings of a "Manaphin" off the coast of Florida on Tuesday. But the mythical dolphin-manatee hybrid was spotted just in time for April Fool's Day, leading many to question whether the press release was a gag.

It is. But it's a fun one.

In the tourism office's release, scientists describe the creature as bearing a "resemblance to both the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) and the West Indian manatee (Trichechus manatus)" and credit a traveling kayaker from Chicago for spotting it while it came above water.

"I've seen both manatees and dolphins many times," said the 34-year old Chicagoan in the release. "But this was different -- the thing moved like a dolphin but had the head of a manatee. It was pretty cool."

Even marine mammal trainer John Widick of the Clearwater Marine Aquarium contributed a quote to add heft to the release's claim, stating: "To have a sighting of one of these hybrid mammals anywhere is an extraordinary thing, but to have sighting of one this far up in the Gulf of Mexico is truly remarkable and speaks to the cleanliness of the waters in the Gulf of Mexico -- and the fact that mother nature has the final say in whether something is extinct."

READ: Did a Texas Man Slay the Mythical Chupacabra?

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quicklist: 8 title: Smell Like Cheetos text: Ever wish you could smell like Cheetos?

The Frito-Lay brand got in the April Fools' Day game early, by notifying media on Thursday of Cheeteau, a "limited-edition fragrance that celebrates the irreverent, intriguing and playful nature of the iconic feline with a scent bold enough to excite and delight."

The company created an edgy and romantic black and white ad posted on its own fragrance website, and mailed ABC News a bottle of the fragrance. More than one editor described the scent as "buttery."

If you love the smell of cheesy Cheetos, you might like "Pizza" perfume, a real product created by Demeter Fragrance Library.

Read More: Pizza Perfume Is Now a Thing

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quicklist: 9 title: American Beagle Outfitters text: On March 24, retailer American Eagle also announced what appears to be an early April Fools' Day campaign, American Beagle Outfitters, a clothing line for dogs. American Eagle did not respond to a request for comment to ABC News, and it wouldn't tell Buzzfeed whether the campaign was a joke or not. The press release for the line borders "believable" for dog-crazed owners: "Designed to perfectly match their owner's on-trend American Eagle wardrobe, the canine collection features must-haves such as slimming doggy jeggings, fur-friendly bikinis and statement accessories, creating head-to-tail looks that complement the unique style and personality of every pooch, big or small."

Read More: Fast Food Clothing for Brand Super Fans

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quicklist: 10 title: Home Sweet Home With Chocolate Floors text: This one really brings to mind "home sweet home."

Tech-friendly do-it-yourself building company BuildDirect issued an April Fool's press release offering chocolate floors.

The company even included a photo of CEO Jeff Booth taking a bite out of a piece of a chocolate floor sample (dark and white), which people can receive for free from BuildDirect's website.

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quicklist: 11 title: Ladies, Take Care of Your Cats text: Personal shopping bra site True&Co. announced that they are changing their sizing from number-letter combos (32A, 34C, etc.) to Kitten Sizing (from Double Newborn to Double Fluffy, etc.) because a number of customers call their breasts "Cats in Sacks."


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quicklist: 12 title: Shakeless Tic Tacs text: Don't you hate it when your Tic Tac mint gets stuck in the small, plastic container? Tic Tac announced via Facebook and Twitter that they are eliminating the shake altogether with the introduction of the new Tic Tac® Shakeless. Their image shows bubble wrap inside a Tic Tac container.

"This new twist on one of the world's most iconic packs is custom-engineered to stop the shake so friends and family won't be tempted to ask consumers to share," the company says. media: 23134787

quicklist: 13 title: DIY Honda Car media: 23145786 text: Honda announced in an April Fools' Day press release a "do-it-yourself" kit for the new 2015 Fit car, with an online ad featuring a hipster couple boasting about the joy of creating their possessions by hand, even the car, which is made from 200,000 mechanical parts.

quicklist: 14 title: TOMS Shoes and Uber Car Service media: 23145398 text: Do-good shoe company TOMS and Uber car service announced a joint venture, shuberX.

"With support from TOMS, Uber is launching its most innovative and eco-friendly product to date: shuberX, a new Uber vehicle type that’s great for the environment and even better for your calves," the two companies said.

The hilarious video shows people holding cardboard box cars running around in TOMS shoes.

quicklist: 15 title: Domino's Edible Pizza Box media: 23145497 text: Domino's released a photo of a pizza box made out of pizza dough. Need we say more?

quicklist: 16 title: Salaries Paid in Bitcoins media: 23145248 text: Career site Glassdoor announced a new feature in its iPhone app that allows employees to see their salaries in bitcoin, "updated in real time."

A software engineer at social media company Twitter earns 265 bitcoins per year, for example.

quicklist: 17 title: Sonic's "Kale Cream Pie Shake" media: 23145551 text:

Sonic Drive-In's Director of Culinary Innovation, Mackenzie Gibson, created SONIC’s newest shake flavor, Kale Cream Pie, explained in a behind-the-scenes video.