ABC News July 6, 2015

Georgia Woman Adopts Dying Dog, Brings Him On Final Adventures

Courtesy Nicole Elliot
Nicole Elliot of Columbus, Ga. adopted Chester the dog, who is in very poor health.

Nicole Elliot said she immediately knew she wanted to adopt Chester, a senior rescue dog who suffering from terminal cancer, and bring him on an exciting journey that would make the most of the time he has left on earth.

"Before I went and got him, I decided to do a bucket list," Elliot of Columbus, Georgia told ABC News. "They brought him out to me and I fell in love with him."

Elliot, who has a passion for rescuing animals, said she found Chester's photo while scrolling through the Facebook page of Animal Ark Rescue -- a shelter that was searching for potential owners to care for him during his dying days.

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"They rescued him from a high kill shelter in April after he was surrendered over from his previous owners," she said. "He had a huge tumor on the top of his head and they wanted someone to take him for his final days. The next day, I got there right before they opened."

Courtesy Nicole Elliot
Elliot takes Chester on little adventures to make him happy.

On June 27, Elliot, 24, took Chester home where she began planning little adventures for him to enjoy.

"I never compiled a list. I've just gotten some ideas of things I can take him to do," Elliot said. "He's playful at times, but I'm sure with the age and the cancer it slows him down. He is just very sweet and he soaks up any love that you give him.

"He deserves it," she added. "His past life didn’t seem too well."

Right away, Elliot began Chester's final journey with a visit to a water stream, a hot dog lunch from Nathan's restaurant and a doggy shopping spree.

"We bought new toys, a bed, bananas, and treats," she said. "I also want to take him on a boat ride, to the beach, and to have professional photographer take pictures of him. I want to have them [the photos] after he's gone."

Since they started, Elliot has been documenting Chester's experience on a Facebook page she created for him, as well as a donation site for Animal Ark Rescue.

She said she hopes it brings awareness to animals who have a lesser chance finding homes before they die.

Courtesy Nicole Elliot
She hopes strangers with honor his life by donating, volunteering, or adopting other animals like him.

"That was my main goal to inspire and encourage people to adopt shelter animals that people are less likely to adopt like older ones and the terminally ill," Elliot said. "There are so many people that say animals don’t have souls like humans, but I feel like anybody who met Chester would see he does have a soul. He has already fallen in love with me. He follows me everywhere.

"I think all animals should have a chance to have a happy life."

Elliot said veterinarians are unsure of how much time Chester has left.

She added that she plans continuing to adopt sick and elderly animals in hopes to bring happiness to their lives.