ABC News April 30, 2015

New Freddie Gray Details Fill In His Journey With Baltimore Police

WATCH: New Details About What Happened in the Police Van When Freddie Gray Was Arrested

Police have handed over their investigation of Freddie Gray's death to the Baltimore State's Attorney, which is now tasked with determining whether to bring charges against the six offices who took him into custody before he died a week later with an unexplained spinal injury.

In announcing the handover, Deputy Police Commissioner Kevin Davis, who led the group of 30 detectives during their investigation, said Thursday that they have discovered a stop the police van made but that investigators had not known about earlier.

Here is a rundown of the timeline compiled from information released by police since Gray's death.

Police Take Gray Into Custody

Police said officers were working in a West Baltimore area with a history of violence and drug deals at 8:39 a.m. when a man, later identified as Gray, was seen at the corner of North Avenue and Mount Street.

The officers approached the man, who then fled on foot, but why they moved toward him remains a part of the ongoing investigation, officials said.

A police officer was heard telling dispatch at 8:40 a.m. that officers had one person in custody in the 1700 block of Presbury Street, two blocks south of North and Mount Streets, police said.

At this morning's news conference, Deputy Commissioner Kevin Davis said Gray ran from the police before being taken into custody on that same city block.

A “wagon,” or van, was requested for transport at 8:42 a.m., according to earlier Baltimore police statements, and Gray asked for an inhaler.

First Stop

Davis confirmed this morning that the police made a stop at Mount and Baker streets, though no further details about that stop were released. This intersection is just one block south from where Gray was taken into custody.

Second Stop

Davis said police have since determined that the wagon made a second stop they had not previously known about, at N. Fremont Avenue and Mosher Street. They did not release other details.

Investigators learned about this stop after reviewing video footage from a privately owned camera.

New Freddie Gray Details Fill In His Journey With Baltimore Police Freddie Gray: New Timeline Revealed as Police Hand Over Investigation Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake Defends Barring Fans From Orioles Game

Third Stop

The van then resumes the schedule that officers had previously known about with a stop at Druid Hill Avenue and Dolphin Street, which is not far from the second, unknown stop, though no further details about what happened here have been released.

Fourth Stop

The wagon then goes to North and Pennsylvania avenues to pick up an additional prisoner.

Davis did not release the time for each of these stops, but police have already said that at 8:46 a.m., the driver of the van reported that he believes Gray is acting “irate.” An officer asks the van to stop so paperwork could be completed, according to Baltimore police. At that point, Gray is taken out of the vehicle, and police said he was placed in leg irons and then put back in the van. Police have not specified when this occurred in relation to the van’s various stops.

By 8:54 a.m., the wagon had cleared Mount Street and was heading toward central booking, police said in earlier statements.

At 8:59 a.m. a request was made by the driver of the van for an additional "unit" to check on Gray, police say. There was some undisclosed communication with Gray at this point, police said in earlier statements.

Patrick Semansky/AP Photo
PHOTO: Baltimore Police Department Commissioner Anthony Batts announces that the department's investigation into the death of Freddie Gray was turned over to the State's Attorney's office, April 30, 2015, in Baltimore.

Arrives at the Police Station

Police have not released the official time when the wagon arrived at Western District station, but at 9:23 a.m. emergency medical services directed a technician to respond for an injured patient, as heard on a recording of the call that was publicly released.

A minute later, police officers requested paramedics to the Western District to transport the man to the University of Maryland's Shock Trauma Center. In a subsequent charging document, police said, “During transport to Western District via wagon transport the Defendant suffered a medical emergency and was immediately transported to Shock Trauma."

On-scene medical responders said Gray was not breathing at 9:37 a.m., according to EMS reports.

Transported to the Hospital

He was then transferred to Shock Trauma. On Thursday, April 16, Gray’s family’s attorney said he had gone into a coma, and he died on the morning of Sunday, April 19.

ABC News' Katherine Faulders contributed to this report.